twenty four.

175 4 6

July 31, 2016

As I walk through the clinic's entrance, a sense of anticipation courses through me, accompanied by the soft kicks of my baby girl. I've been looking forward to this appointment, it's been about a month since I've seen her sweet silhouette up on the monitor.

As I approach the reception desk, the friendly faces of the clinic staff greet me warmly. The nurse, recognizing me from previous visits, shares a smile, "Sienna, right? How are you feeling today?"

"Excited," I reply with a grin, placing a protective hand over my growing bump. "Always love seeing her on the ultrasound."

The nurse chuckles, guiding me through the routine check-in process. "Well, today should be pretty quick, just to make sure everything's going smoothly. We'll get both of your vitals and some pictures of the little cutie and you'll be on your way."

As I settle into the waiting area, I'm reminded of how quickly this pregnancy is flying by. Today is most likely my final appointment that Harry won't be here for which has its pros and cons. I'm excited for him to be back and have him witness all these precious moments firsthand without me having to give him a rundown after each appointment. However, I'm not particularly thrilled about having to be more careful about protecting my privacy when he's back. I can't just walk in and out of here with him by my side, we have to make special arrangements and get his manager involved, all to make sure this remains private.

Finally I'm called into the examination room, the technician's gentle demeanor puts me at ease. The ultrasound machine whirs to life, slowly revealing the image of my baby. The technician walks me through the anatomy, ten tiny fingers and toes, a perfect little profile taking shape, and the rhythmic thump of a strong heartbeat. Tears spring to my eyes, as they do every time, at the miracle of my daughter. This wasn't the plan, but I needed her.

The technician shares reassuring words, "Everything looks fantastic, Sienna. You and your baby are doing great."

I leave the clinic with a huge smile, I can't help but marvel at the prospect of the joy this little one will bring into my world. As I step outside, a string of snapshots of the baby clutched in my hand, the sun casts a warm glow.

I make the decision to enjoy the summer day to myself, heading into the cafe next to the clinic and ordering myself a fruit bowl for lunch. I then walk a few blocks away to the beach to enjoy it on the sand. I savor the sound of waves crashing, as the sun warms my skin and the salty breeze mingles with my hair.

I take my time strolling back to my car parked at the clinic, admiring the architecture and palm trees in the little corner of the city. I drive home with the windows down, blasting happy songs, keeping my good mood alive. Returning to the house, I choose the patio as my haven, settling into the swing with a novel and a large glass of water.

Just as I'm immersing myself in the world of fiction, I'm interrupted by a video call from Harry.

"Hey, H. What's up?" I answer. He's back in Jamaica and we're back to our regular FaceTime calls, but those usually wait until the evening, when we've both finished working and daily tasks.

He's lying on the couch in what looks like the studio, based on his surroundings.

"I can't write songs!" He pouts, covering his face with his hand.

I smile as I hear everyone on his end chuckle at his antics. "You've got this, H. I believe in you!" I tell him enthusiastically.

He grins on the screen finally sitting up, the Jamaican sunlight casting a warm glow. "No, I need your help. Everyone here is struggling. It's like I can't generate anything new. Are you busy? Will you help? I swear I'll get on my knees and beg." He pleads, and I find it adorable. I'm sure they could come up with something and he's just being a diva, but I appreciate the ask, nonetheless.

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