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April 7, 2016

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April 7, 2016

My trip home was pure bliss, but all too short. One week just isn't enough time to truly catch up on all the time that's lost when you live miles apart.

I've always dreamed of traveling the world, London being very high on my list of desired destinations, but flying into the city for the first time was an experience that exceeded all of my expectations by a landslide. As I stepped off the plane and made my way through the bustling airport, I couldn't help the feelings of excitement and nerves bubbling inside of me. I've never traveled like this alone, other than the occasional solo trip between home and Los Angeles. Even though I'm only here for work, I'm thrilled for what's to come. And I live my work, so there's no doubt in my mind that I won't love this experience.

Luckily, the girls' manager had a driver arranged to pick me up from the airport and take me to my new temporary home. I was very grateful for the ride, as I'm sure I would've never been able to adjust to driving in a new place on the wrong side of the road so quickly. As I settled into the backseat of the car, I take in the sights and sounds of London rushing by out the window.

Upon my arrival at my new apartment, or 'flat' as they call it here, I can't help but be a bit disappointed. It's a decently spacious two bedroom, two bathroom layout, but it's bare. Undecorated with nothing on the walls and no personal touches to make it feel like home. The furniture is functional, but basic, and the fridge is empty save for a few bottles of water. I know this is only temporary, but I'm here for at least a month and I can't bear the thought of living in such a sterile looking environment for that long.

So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I call the driver who picked me up from the airport, his name is Arthur I learned, and ask him to drop me off at the nearest store. That is where I spend the next few hours  wandering the aisles  picking out groceries and small trinkets and knickknacks to make my new place feel a bit more homey. I buy a few potted plants to brighten up the space, some cozy blankets to drape over the couch, and some scented candles to create a more familiar and welcoming atmosphere.

Once back home, my spirits were instantly lifted as I unpacked my purchases and arranged them around the flat. The space is still very basic, but it has my own personal stamp all throughout. I cook myself a simple meal in the kitchen and settle on the couch with a book. I read for only a few minutes before I decide it's time turn in for the night, albeit a bit early. I know jet lag is a beast and I'd prefer not to be late for my first day on the job.

The next morning, I dressed up a bit with a black blazer over a white ribbed tank top and some straight leg jeans. I left my hair down and straight and paired the whole look with some gold chunky jewelry. My palms are sweaty and I'm more nervous than I've ever been, so I had to dress the opposite. I can't look like I'm completely falling apart on the inside.

Once I was all ready, I grabbed my bag and phone and went down to the lobby where a car was waiting for me.

My breathing was uneven the whole way there and I'm pretty sure my bouncing leg was shaking the entire car.

Now here I am, stood in front of the very large studio, and though it's the same studio I go to in L.A., it doesn't look the same in the slightest. It's taller, at least three floors, and much sharper and sleeker looking. Sometimes I can't believe my own luck. How did I land my dream gig for the very girlband that has taken the world by storm? I spent hours on the plane going over all of my recent work that has yet to be used, trying to work out a good collection of songs we can work an album around. I'm eager to see what the girls have in mind for the projects. So why am i so nervous? I take one last deep breath, roll back my shoulders, and stand up a bit straighter before pushing the doors open and stepping into the lobby.

"What can I do for you, darling?" The woman behind the front desk asks.

"Hi, um Sienna, Sienna Rowland?" I state with hesitancy.

"Do you have your ID or temporary ID?" She asks with a smile.

I pull out my badge and show it to her, "Perfect, you're all set! They're waiting on you upstairs in studio 24."

As I make my way through the building, eventually finding the studio where the girls were writing and recording, I have a split second of hesitation before I'm knocking and opening the door.

I soon realize all my nerves were for nothing, though because I instantly find myself in a hug, seeing the smiling faces of all four girls.

"Sienna, it's so great to finally meet you in person!" exclaimed Perrie. "We've been so excited to hear the songs you've written and have in mind for us."

I blush, feeling the pressure of the moment. but Perrie quickly puts me at ease. "Don't worry, we're going to have so much fun today! We want you to hear all of our ideas for the album, and we want your input too."

We gather around the table which is filled with snacks and drinks, and i soon learn that these girls have a passion for not only music, but food as well. As we brainstorm, we talk about all of the themes they want to explore with their fourth studio album - empowerment, self-love, and confidence. They want every song to be a banger, or at least an anthem about girl power.

I'm impressed by their creativity and enthusiasm. This is far different from any project I've worked on before and I'm so excited to see where it takes me and these girls.  They are wanting to incorporate a few different types of music from they're regular pop route, to some hip hop, and of course a ballad or two. They also mentioned wanting all of the songs to connect back to a personal story, whether it be one of mine, or theirs. No characterization on this album. It'll all be raw and real.

As the girls speak, I take notes, often referring back to my list of pre written songs to find what fits, I'm eager to incorporate their ideas into some of those songs that I've already written. Their passion and vision for the album excites me. They know exactly what they want and it's refreshing. I just know that this album is going to be special.

After a few hours of brainstorming, we take a break to listen to some of the demo tracks that Luke and I recorded. I make sure to play Shout Out to My Ex which is something they already showed interest in, and No More Sad Songs which is the one I wrote a few weeks ago before lunch with Dede and Harry. The girls dance and sing along to both songs and I can already tell their vocals and harmonies will fit so well. Afterwards, we look at the lyrics from those and look at the minor things we can alter to relate those songs more to their lives rather than mine. I just know, both those songs are going to be hits, already way better than what they started at.

We also shared stories from our personal lives and I tell them about Nick. Leigh-Anne was very quick to take my side as were the rest of the girls, and we even started another song based off that which we're titling 'You Gotta Not' for now. I'm not sure that it will actually make the album, but the lyrics we came up with, provided some lighthearted energy and I think it was honestly the best our first day could have gone.

Before we know it, our time block has come to an end. I'm exhausted from jet lag and all the socialization and writing, but Im elated to be here. I've never felt this inspired and energized by a project before. I know that working with Little Mix is going to be an even better journey than I could have expected, and I really can't wait to see what's to come of this.

"Sienna, we're so grateful to have you on board with us," Jade tells me as we hug goodbye. "We can't wait to see the final product."

I smile, genuinely feeling like I've found my girl tribe. I can't help but think Dede would love these girls. I leave the studio through those big front doors again that don't seem all that daunting anymore. I just know that what becomes of this trip is going to be even bigger and better than just the album. I'm creating life long friends here and memories I know I will never forget.

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