bonus blurb: scared

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Hey lovelies! There's a lot of new faces here! It's been a couple weeks since I last updated and I feel like I need to tide you all over until I can get the next full chapter up. I've been slowly writing and working on it each day, but I've been extremely busy with two new jobs on top of my current one. Please be patient with me and enjoy this little bonus:) it should also be noted that this is not proofread lol.

Harry's POV

May 24, 2016

I've been away from home for a few months now, not nearly as long as when I'm away on tour, but I miss it all the same. I talk to my mum and sister on the phone often, but it's just not the same as being there in person. As soon as I heard the news on the other end of Mitch's phone a few days ago, I called Jeff and asked him to move the album cover shoot to Manchester so I could have a chance to speak with my mom, no matter what the outcome was with Sienna.

As soon as I had pulled up to my childhood home in the late hours of the night, my mother was waiting for me at the door with open arms. We shared a hug and a bit of small talk about my flight before retiring to bed. I missed my mum dearly and I know she feels the same.

This morning, mum prepared a lovely English breakfast while we caught up on everything from the last two months...besides the pregnancy news, I haven't dropped that on her just yet. I asked my mum to accompany me to my photo shoot set today where we'll be shooting potential cover art and some other promotional materials for the upcoming album. We're shooting early so we don't have to worry about all of this while I'm shooting my first movie. I had had a prospective release date for December, but considering what a busy month it's already shaping up to be, I warned Jeff that it may need to be pushed back quite a few months.

Anyways, mum is always thrilled to be included in the process of anything when it comes to my work, and this shoot is no different. When we walk in, she greets everyone with a smile and a hug, thanking them for everything before we've even begun.

"I still don't know why we've all had to fly out here, mate, but it's good to see you." Jeff, my manager, greets me with a hug. I haven't told him the news yet, but we have a meeting set up for tomorrow morning. I'm nervous as hell.

"Just wanted to come see my mum. Is that a crime?" I ask.

"Give me a little notice next time, yeah." Jeff rolls his eyes, but I can tell he's amused. He's got no idea what I'm hitting him with tomorrow.

"Sure." I agree.

"You ready for this?" I hear from behind me and my mum gasps.

It's Adam, my new hairstylist, and he's holding a pair of scissors.

"You're cutting it off?" My mum gapes.

I shrug, "When the album comes out, I'll have short hair since I've gotta chop it for the movie. It only makes sense for me to look the same for the promo. Plus, filming is next month, I need to get used to it first." I explain. Mum nods along in understanding, but I still notice the tears in her eyes when Adam begins to cut.

"You've grown up so fast." She murmurs with a hand over her heart as I sit in the pink bubble bath.

"Mum, you're embarrassing me." I draw out teasingly, causing everyone in the room to laugh, mother included.

And although the shoot and hanging out with my mum all day was fun, the news I've been keeping a secret has been weighing on my mind since I stepped off the flight. I decide it's best to drop the news on the drive back.

It's the same tactic I use when I show someone a new song for the first time; take them on a drive so I don't have to make eye contact. Works quite well for the most part.

Mum listened carefully as I explained the situation, leaving out some of the details of course. She asked lots of questions and tried to understand everything that had happened. But through it all, she remained nothing but supportive. I'm convinced I have the best mum there is.

"I'm so excited to meet her," Mum said, a smile spreading across her face as I told her about Sienna. "And I can't wait to have my first grandbaby. Your sister is taking too long for my liking." She said lightly.

"Agreed. I always thought I'd be an uncle before I was a dad, but here we are." We laugh together.

"Speaking of your sister, she's coming for supper tonight. Are you planning to break the news?" Mum asks.

"It crossed my mind." I admit. "But do you think she'll be too protective? You know how she gets sometimes."

"Harry, that's just how she is, love. I only imagine her reaction will be worse if you wait to tell her. A baby isn't something you can hide forever, especially when you're you. You never know when the news will get ahold of it." She advises.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell her." I decide.

Later that night, we're about halfway through the meal when I decide it's the right time to break the news. I waited until Gem was at least one glass of wine in before I even considered speaking up.

Nervously, I took an extra sip of wine for courage as I found a gap in conversation to bring up the topic.

With i deep breath I start, "Gemma," and I can tell she can practically smell my fear as her eyes dart over to me at the mention of my name. "You should know I didn't come home just to visit. I have some news as well."

Gemmas eyes immediately widen in concern, her protective instincts always kicking in. "Is everything alright?" She asks.

"I'm...going to be a dad." I tell her hesitantly.

"Oh my god." I hear her whisper under her breath. She takes a moment to compose herself and gulp down the remainder of her wine before she speaks up. "First of all, are you positive she's not in it for the money? Second of all, how can you be certain the baby is yours? And third of all, who the hell did you impregnate? You haven't told either of us that you were even seeing somebody!" She gestures between mum and herself, until she comes to a realization, "Oh fucking hell, you aren't even together, are you?"

I shake my head. "But before you tear me apart, can I explain?" I ask.

"Go ahead." She nods.

"Gem, I understand her worries, I really do. Everything you just brought up was definitely a thought that's ran through my head during all this." I admit. "But I can promise you, Gemma, she's not after my money, or my fame. She has a very well established career in music. She wrote songs for One Direction, probably even more than me maybe. And I've been using a bit of her work in my new project. She's incredibly talented and dare I say, way out of my league. She was devastated by the news. She's gorgeous and incredibly kind, and even though we aren't together, I can't think of someone I'd rather have as the mother to my baby. She's going to make the perfect mum." I tell her, sincerely, and I watch her tense expression soften as I speak. She was never mad, just concerned. By the time I was finished, her protective instincts gave way to curiosity and excitement as she embraced the idea of becoming and aunt.

My sisters eyes sparkled with anticipation as she fired a barrage of questions towards me. "Sounds like you really like her, when can I meet her? Oh my god, how far along is she, do you guys know what you're having? When is she due? Is it too early for me to start spoiling the nugget?"

I can't help but smile at her excitement and I can see my mother beaming as well. She's just as excited as Gem, and she's also inquisitive about the details I hadn't revealed to her in the car.

"I'm so glad you're both on board," I grin. "The baby is due a few days before Christmas, and I'll be arranging for you both to meet Sienna soon, don't worry. As for buying things, I'm sure she'd appreciate anything you offer, but don't go overboard, Sienna hates overboard."

"Sounds like you two aren't compatible after all." Gemma jokes, rolling her eyes playfully. All I can do is blush and begrudgingly agree.

As we finish up dinner and settle in for the night, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly grateful for such a supportive family. I'm so lucky to have people like them and my only wish is that Sienna has an equally supportive circle of people around her for when she breaks the news. I'm looking forward to this journey.

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