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April 21, 2016

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April 21, 2016

Today is rainy and gloomy. I also have the weekend off with nothing to do. I would go out and sightsee like I normally do, but I'm not really feeling like I want to be a wet little rat in the rain today.

I'm sitting on the couch with some tea as I watch the rainfall and read my book, when my phone begins to ring. When I see my mother's name flash on the screen, I eagerly click on the FaceTime icon and watch as my mom's face appear on the screen. It's been so long since we've had a proper conversation. I feel giddy and get butterflies in my stomach while I wait for her to speak.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" My mother's voice comes through the speakers, warm and familiar.

A wide grin breaks out on my face and my mood instantly brightens. "Hi, mom! I'm doing really good. Just missing you and the boys a lot." I admit.

"I miss you too, honey," she replies sympathetically. "But I'm so so proud of you for chasing your dreams and working with your dream artists over there in London. You're achieving big things, baby girl. How is everything going over there anyway?"

I can't help but smile at my mom's endless love and encouragement. It really has been an amazing experience so far. "It's incredible, Mom. The band is so lovely to work with and the city and culture is absolutely stunning. I've been writing some really great music with them too. Stuff I'd never be able to write with all the boys I write with back home. It's been a good change of culture."

"I'm so glad to hear that," she says, looking genuinely thrilled to hear about my adventures. "What's London like? Is it as beautiful as the pictures?"

I nod eagerly, launching into a detailed description of the city, all of the landmarks I've visited, and all of the different foods I've tried. My mom listens patiently, hanging onto every word out of my mouth, and I feel my heart swell with love for the wonderful woman who raised me.

When I'm finished, mom tells me all about what new renovations my dad has been up to at the dock and around the house. I listen attentively, imagining the peaceful water of our lake and the angel of the fresh trees and greenery. That's something I really miss when I'm living in a big city. I love hearing my mom talk about what life is like in Charleston. She even fills me in on the status of Trey's college application. All the talk of family and home names me miss them all so much more.

As the call comes to an end, I get the inevitable lump in my throat. "I love you, Mom," I say softly as I try not to cry.

"I love you too, honey," she responds, her eyes shining with affection. "Take care of yourself over there, okay?"

I nod, I won't ever be able to put into words how thankful I am for the endless support of my family. I seriously couldn't do this without them, even when we're miles and miles apart.

I finish the call with my mom feeling simultaneously happy and homesick. I miss my family so much, but I'm also so thrilled to have the incredible opportunity to be working over here in England with Little Mix. It's only been a few weeks, but they already feel like sisters to me. I decide to call Mitch, even though we just chatted this morning, I need some familiarity.

I dial his number, and instantly hear the sound of a guitar in the background. When he picks up, I can tell he's in the studio, looking slightly disheveled but still happy...well as happy as Mitch can look with his constant resting angry face.

"Hey sis, how's it going?" Mitch asks, a smile spreading across his face.

I grin back at him, "It's amazing, Mitch. Just rainy over here today, and I missed you."

"That's awesome," Mitch replies, sounding genuinely excited. "I've been writing a lot more songs with H, too. He's a really cool artist."

I won't lie, I felt a few butterflies at the mention of Harry. My cheeks flush with embarrassment when I realize, so I play it cool by asking Mitch what is like to work with him in comparison to working with people like
me or Luke.

"He's really chill, like a lot more chill than you when it comes to this stuff." Mitch says, nodding his head and I gawk at his answer. "Actually, he's here in the studio right now. Want to say hi?"

Before I can respond, I hear Harry's voice on the other end of the line. "Hey Sienna. How are you doing? Anything changed since yesterday?"

It's become somewhat of a routine at this point. As Mitch grows closer to Harry, it seems I do as well. He's almost always makes an appearance during our daily FaceTime calls, and most times, he sticks around to chat. I think we've finally gotten over some of that awkwardness I felt towards him before I left.

"Hi Harry, I'm good, thanks. How about you?" I reply.

"I'm doing great," Harry responds, sounding upbeat. "Mitch has been helping me with some songwriting, and it's been really fun. The talent definitely runs in the family."

I nod, "I'm very flattered you think so highly of my brother, but let's be honest, he's not as good as me." I tease and they both laugh. "But seriously I'm so excited to hear what you guys have been working on."

"I'm very excited to hear your work with Little Mix, I'm sure Mitch is as well." Harry counters back.

I blush at the thought, considering that quite a number of those songs are about him. I utter out a quiet thanks in response.

"Well I'll let you two get back to your writing! Talk to you tomorrow, Mitch. See you later Harry." I smile, wrapping up the conversation that turned awkward, at least on my end.

"Bye sis, I miss ya." Mitch says.

"Don't be a stranger, Sise." Harry bids farewell as he disappears from the screen. I get that flutter again when he uses my nickname.

"Bye boys! Love you." I can't hide the grin on my face and I quickly hang up before Mitch can catch on.

But with the phone calls over, I'm left in the dead silence once again. I miss home.

Song - Home by Gabrielle Aplin

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