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March 31, 2016

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March 31, 2016

I'm home alone washing and cutting all of the fruit I bought at the grocery store last night when my phone begins to ring. I pick it up without checking the caller ID. The only people that tend to call me are my family members and a few people from the studio. I'm surprised, however, when I realize the voice on the other end belongs to none of those people, and it's Dede on the line.

"Hey! This is Sienna, right? I got your number from Mitch yesterday but I wasn't sure if I punched it in right." Her voice echoes through the kitchen on speaker.

"Uh, yeah, it's me." I respond. "Can I ask why you're calling?"

"Oh, I was just going to ask if you wanted to hang out with me today. I took the day off work and thought we could go to the beach or something if you're free. If not it's fine."

I'm taken aback at her proposition. I mean it's not like we don't get along, but we've only hung out with other people around, other people meaning Harry. I'm not sure how I feel about hanging out with her one on one. On one hand I only have a handful of friends in L.A. and I could use a few more, but on the other, I don't think it's appropriate to be meeting her as the mistress of her man. I've really taken a liking to Dede but she's so kindhearted that I feel guilty when I'm near her. Maybe if I agree to this, I can just come clean and she never has to see me again. I leave for home in two days and I won't be back for a month. By then she can just forget about it and stay far away from me.

"Uh, sure." I agree with hesitation, "When were you thinking?" I ask.

"Well, I was thinking I can come pick you up in about ten minutes and then we can just chill at the beach for as long as we want, or we can do something else if the beach isn't really your thing."

"No, no, the beach sounds fine. Thank you for inviting me." I smile.

"Oh of course, I've been dying to get to know you better and become besties, especially if we're going to be around each other all the time."

"Sorry?" I question. All the time?

"I thought Harry asked you to be on the team. Maybe he hasn't got around to it yet. But you've been his like idol since his One Direction days - don't tell him I told you that." She laughs.

The team? He wants me to write with him? His idol?

"I'm flattered," I chuckle, "but I'm certainly not of that much interest to him."

"I don't think you give yourself enough credit, girl. You are incredible. But yeah send over your address and I'll come right over." She chirps.

I text her my address and we bid our goodbyes

I quickly finish up in the kitchen and go into my room to change, putting on a yellow bikini with a white linen dress over top. I put my keys and wallet into a weaved tote and pull my hair back and into a bun. I'm finished getting ready just in time to hear Dede's car horn sounding out front.

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