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April 10, 2016

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April 10, 2016

I've always dreamed of exploring the busy streets of London, and finally today, that dream is coming true. After writing with the girls for the first time a few days ago, I went straight to bed. Then I had a few days to catch up with the new time zone. Our session today isn't until later this afternoon, so I wanted to get plenty of sleep to get an early start on today. That way there's plenty of time for sightseeing. As I step outside into the early morning air, I can guarantee my excitement would be palpable to anyone walking by.

With my phone and a random map pamphlet I snagged from the airport in hand, I set out to explore the city. My first stop I've decided, is Buckingham Palace, which will be even more beautiful in person I assume. As I walk down the busy streets, I can't help but marcel at the towering buildings and colorful storefronts. I thought it would be similar to New York, but it is ten times more magical. The sound of cars honking and people chattering away fills my ears and I get a rush of excitement as I take in all the energy the city has to offer.

As I finally approach the Palace, I can't help but to gasp at the grandeur of the building. The majestic gates, the ornate architecture, and the pristine gardens are all so gorgeously breathtaking. I spend several hours just wandering the grounds, taking in the beauty of the scenery and soaking up the history and culture of the place.

After I leave the palace, with some hesitance, I continue to wander the streets, stopping at various shops and cafes along the way. I try a traditional English breakfast at a cozy little cafe, browse some racks at a vintage clothing store that caught my eye, I even stumble upon a street performer who wowed me with his guitar skills and his lyricism.

As the morning wears on, I find myself drawn toward the Thames River. I follow the sound of the water until I reach the iconic Tower Bridge I've only ever seen in movies and pictures. The stunning structure looms over the river, and I'm unable to resist taking a few selfies with it in the background, texting them to my mom.

As I walk across the bridge, taking my sweet time, I can't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer size and scope of the city. The river flows beneath me, and the city stretches out before me in every direction. I feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration that I have never experienced before.

As it nears lunchtime, I find a small place to grab a bite to eat along the riverbank, before retracing my steps back home so Arthur can give me a ride to the studio. As I make my journey back, I feel a deep sense of peace and contentment wash over me. I feel so at home here and I already can't imagine leaving this beautiful place. I know once I'm gone, I'll already be planning my next trip back.

I finish my lunch, a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant, and hurry home to freshen up for work.

I barely have time to change my shoes and fix my hair before I hear Arthur's voice over the buzzer.

"Miss Sienna, I'm here when you're ready."

I quickly push the button and thank him before I'm rushing out the door.

I walk into the studio for my second day on the job with a newfound sense of confidence that I most certainly didn't have waking into yesterday. We've already have a decent collection of songs we think could fit on the album, and I'm super eager to see what we can come up with today considering how easy it was for me to connect and write with all of the girls. As I walk into the room, I'm greeted by all the girls, who are all busy setting up some equipment. They'll be recording a few demos today so that when they go to decide what to put on the album they have an idea of what the songs with sound like with their harmonies and voices.

"Good morning, Sienna!" Perrie called out. "Ready to write some hits today?"

I smile and nod, "Absolutely! I've got a few random ideas, but I'm going to need your help coming up with something worthy of a song." I laugh.

"Oh hush, all your songs are incredible." Jade waves me off.

"You've only heard the hits." I point out.

"Well we've had plenty of songs we've tossed to the bins ourselves, we're only human after all." Leigh adds.

With that we start to work on mapping out our day, I'm jotting down concept ideas when my phone buzzes on the table. I glance down to see a text from Harry flash across the screen;

Hope everything is going well over in London, say hello to my homeland for me. L.A. is missing you by the way (;.

I can't help but smile as I read his text. As much as I'd like to say it doesn't cause a flutter in my stomach, I can't because it does and I can't deny it anymore.

I quickly type a response, trying to hide the smile on my face;

that's too bad because I'm seriously considering moving here. You never told me London was so lovely!

As soon as I set my phone back down, Leigh-Anne is sending me a cheeky smile, "Who're you texting?" She asks with a mischievous glint in her eye.

I flush pink, "Just a guy I met a few weeks ago."

"Just a guy?" She smirks, and all the girls giggle.

"Yep, just a guy." I continue to downplay it, knowing we can't go anywhere since he's got a girlfriend.

They let it be for know, but not without Jade promising we'd get back to the conversation at some point. I already know they'll grill me about my love life at some point.

As we continue to work, I find myself constantly lost in thought about Harry. Why the hell can't he leave my brain alone? I can't help but smile though as I remember when we met, before he knew who I was and before I knew about Dede. As much as I've come to love the girl, I can't help the pang of longing I feel when I think about her and Harry.  He was with Dede, and I need to respect that. Yet, every time I see him, my heart skips a beat. He always seems to flirt with me and I hate it. After all, it's too risky to get involved with someone I've worked for, I can't afford to blur the lines.

After a few hours of writing and recording 'No More Sad Songs' the girls took a break and I find myself sitting alone in the studio. I'm mindlessly drawing doodles in my notebook, hardly able to focus on anything but Harry, and before I can even realize it, I'm writing a song.

When the girls come back in, I showed them what I had written, slightly embarrassed that I have been little to no help today up until the break. I was also self conscious about the song...it's by far the most suggestive song I've ever written. But to my surprise, all four of the girls immediate loved it.

"This song is so us! I think if we arrange it right, this will be our big break into America." Perrie says, and so together, we started working on the melody and the arrangement, and before we knew it, we had a brand new song.

As we listened to the finished product of the first rough demo, I felt a sense of accomplishment for finally putting my real feelings into words. I can't believe that with the help of four of the most talented girls I've met, we created such a beautiful song.

We titled the demo 'Nobody Like You' because, if we're being completely honest, is there anyone like Harry Styles? No the answer is no. The song is a bittersweet ode to the longing and desire I feel, even though we can never be together.

As I left the studio that day, I couldn't stop humming the melody we came up with in my head. I feel a tremendous weight off of my shoulders after the session and I can't wait to create more with Little Mix.

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