twenty eight.

200 6 20

August 18, 2016

The minute the wheels of the plane touched down in Charleston, I had become a ball of nerves. I was nervous before, but now that we're actually here, I'm even more so. And the cause you ask? Harry Styles meeting my family.

My mother insisted on throwing me a baby shower for all of her friends and neighbors to attend, and as much as I tried to shut it down, Theresa was insistent. And to my luck, Harry has a couple more weeks before filming starts up again and everyone was insistent he come with me—including him.

We make our way through the bustling airport as quickly as we can. We've made it this far without Harry being recognized, I'm not about to let it happen now.

We make it out to the curb and I immediately spot Trey's car. I figured it would be best for him to pick us up, as he's definitely going to be the most chill of them and they've technically met over the phone on a number of occasions. It'll be a good test run before we get to the house.

When he sees the three of us, Trey immediately jumps into action, hopping out of the car and rushing over to grab my bags. His face is a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Trey! Hey little brother." I exclaim, wrapping him into a tight hug.

"Hey, Sise! Hey Mitch!" Trey greets us two siblings before turning his attention to the figure beside me, "Harry, nice to finally meet you." He says, offering a friendly handshake.

Harry smiles politely, "Pleasure to meet you in person, Trey."

Trey then quickly opens the boot of the car and he and Harry fit our bags into the back as I get into the passenger seat.

As they come around and settle into the car, Harry taking the back middle seat with Mitch to his left, the awkwardness that accompanies first meetings slowly dissipates, which is relieving. Trey, takes the time to make easy conversation, asking about our flight and travel day.

"It was alright, nothing horrible, though it does get more and more uncomfortable to travel, the bigger your niece gets." I respond for all of us.

Harry then turns his full attention to Trey, leaning forward in his seat. "So, Trey, how's everything going? Any updates since our last chat?"

Trey's face flushes slightly, and he glances away, knowing what's coming. "Oh, you know, same old, same old, boring life."

Harry, catches onto the evasive response immediately and presses on with a teasing smile. "Come on now, spill the beans. What about Hannah? Any progress there? I've been dying to know."

Trey's blush deepens, and he clears his throat nervously. "Well, you know... she's great. We've been talking, she comes to visit me at work sometimes and, uh, yeah, I still really like her."

I grin, delighted to see them already getting along so smoothly. It's just like mine and Mitch's relationship with him, Harry fits right in. "Love is in the air." I sing, suggestively wiggling my eyebrows.

"Alright, alright, let's not make it a big deal." Trey pleads, but Harry and I are desperate for the details. Mitch couldn't care less, but he loves to tease Trey just as much as I do.

"Trey, I need details – any big plans to woo her?" I inquire.

Trey chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I'm thinking of taking her out soon. Maybe something by the beach or the lake, you know, keep it casual."

Harry smirks, giving Trey a playful nudge. "Smooth moves, mate. Just remember, subtle is the key."

"And that's coming from someone who didn't wrap it during a one night stand, king of subtle right here." Trey finally jabs back and Mitch howls with laughter from the backseat. Even though I'm highly embarrassed, I can't help the short laugh of my own that escapes me when I turn and see the look on Harry's face.

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