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April 3, 2016

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April 3, 2016

The next morning I'm up bright and early to do my hair and makeup. It's only 9:30, but I'm still on L.A. time which is three hours behind. Guess I should just get used to it if I'm leaving for London tomorrow, that will be an adjustment I'm sure.

We have to be at the High School at 11:00 a.m. and I can't say I'm looking forward to the ceremony. Has anyone ever enjoyed witnessing a high school graduation? Yeah, me either, not even my own. Just give me the piece of paper and let me move on to bigger and better things.

"Sise, you almost ready? Mom has breakfast up in the dining room." Mitch pops his head through my bathroom door. I meet his eyes through the mirror as I'm curling my hair and I smirk at his outfit choice, black jeans with a patterned button up.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"You look like a certain curly haired British man." I state with a laugh. Mitch steps further into the bathroom to get a better look.

"Yeah I guess I do." He chuckles along with me. "What can I say, he's a stylish guy. I mean, he managed to get you into bed with him." He jabs.

"Shut up or I'll burn you with this curling iron." I warn.

"And on that note, I'm going to go eat some breakfast. Hurry up though, we leave in 40."

"Pest." I mutter under my breath, as he leaves.

I finish the last couple curls and finish them off with some texture spray before heading upstairs to meet my family for breakfast.

Trey already left for rehearsal or whatever happens before graduating, so it's just Mitch and I with our parents.

"So, you two, tell us about LA." My mother starts as I dish up my plate full of food. "I'm a little confused about your new work endeavors. You've never gone into detail over the phone."

"Well it's all thanks to Sise. She broke up with Nick and met her new love interest, Harry, who is a successful musician working on his first album." Mitch says, and I give him a slap to the arm for his love interest comment.

"How can he be successful already if he's just now working on an album?" My dad interrupts.

"He's done lots of music before with a band, this is just his first time working on solo music." I explain. We haven't really mentioned Harry's immense fame to our parents obviously.

"Yeah, exactly, so one day Harry's guitarist called in sick so Sienna called me and long story short, Harry is my new boss."

"Wow, that's great. Does this Harry fellow pay well?" My dad asks.

"Mark!" My mother scolds with a swat.

"Sorry," he shrugs. "But you know a lot of those musicians over there don't make much themselves, I mean it took Gracie girl a while before she saw any earnings."

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