twenty one.

194 6 7

July 17, 2016

I'm sitting up in the music room with Trey when the text comes through.

Harry: are you still up? can I call?

Trey pauses when he sees me looking down at my phone screen for the first time in hours.

"Harry?" He asks, and I nod.

"He wants to call." I tell him. Our nightly calls are routine, but tonight I'm hesitant. It's my last night here in Charleston and I want to spend as much time with Trey as I can. I don't see him nearly enough.

"Call him then," Trey shrugs.

"I wanted to spend time with you tonight." I pout.

Trey rolls his eyes, "I didn't say go downstairs and call him in private, Sise. I think it's about time I meet the father of my niece semi properly." He suggests.

I contemplate for a moment, fiddling with my phone. "If I do this, you can't embarrass me, okay?" I warn.

"Says my sister who wrote a song about my crush in front of him last time you were here." He counters, "But okay, I'll behave, I promise."

I take a deep breath, dialing Harry's number as Trey smirks in victory. As the phone rings, I can't help but pray Trey keeps his promise and refrains from any embarrassing antics during this unplanned introduction. I also hope that Harry's okay with it and doesn't feel too blindsided. Oh god, this is a terrible idea.

Before I can overthink and hang up, Harry's voice echoes through the line, his face popping onto my screen and I can feel Trey's curious gaze. "Hey, Sienna. How's it going?" Harry asks, unaware of the situation.

"Good," I reply, exchanging pleasantries while Trey discreetly listens in. I share a glance with Trey, silently reminding him of his promise. "Trey actually wants to say hi, I was with him when you texted." I explain.

Trey then joins the conversation, introducing himself, and scooting closer to me so he's now in Harry's view, "Hey, it's Trey, your daughter's favorite uncle. Finally getting to meet you, sort of."

Harry chuckles, "Nice to meet you, Trey. I've heard a lot about you."

Trey smirks, glancing at me, "All good things, I hope."

I nod nervously, realizing this unexpected call might be the perfect opportunity for them to bond.

"Of course," Harry smiles. "How's Hannah doing, by the way?" He asks with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Trey immediately blushes crimson, "She's good. I didn't think you remembered that." He breathes out an embarrassed laugh.

"How could I forget? We've been working on the song down here in Jamaica, it's a top contender to be on the album." Harry grins.

"Oh, shit." Trey laughs. "I can't decide if that's dope or mortifying."

Harry and I laugh at that. "I think it's pretty cool, if you ask me." I say.

"If it helps, we've changed it to Anna, so you don't have to worry about her finding out." Harry tells him.

"Oh yeah, huge difference, she'll never find out when both my siblings have a writing credit." Trey says sarcastically.

"Can't do anything about that one, sorry mate." Harry smirks.

As the conversation continues to unfold, I feel some of my worries about Harry meeting my family melt away. Of course I wasn't too freaked about him meeting Trey, and my parents will be a whole different story, but the ease he has with T comforts me just a little bit.

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