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May 15, 2016

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May 15, 2016

"So you're saying just cut the guitar?" Uzo, one of the producers, asks, looking up at me questioningly from the soundboard.

I shake my head, "I'm not saying to completely throw it out but I think it needs to be more toned back with more artificial sound layered on top; less acoustic sounding."

"I agree actually," Perrie pipes in. "It needs to be more danceable, like if I hear it in the club I'm going to want to get down with my girls."

Uzo sighs, "Okay take your lunch breaks and I'll see if I can finish this up while you're out."

We've been working on this song for weeks trying to get it just right. I may be biased, and it may be too early to tell but I think we've got ourselves a hit with this one as long as we can get the mixing just right.

We've almost finished the album completely and technically, my work here in London is done, but somehow I got really into the production of the whole thing as well, so I've stuck around for a few extra weeks. This opportunity was exactly what I needed- get out of L.A. for a bit and do what I love without all the noise. I've made good friendships with most of the band and their team and I could see us potentially continuing to work together in the future. I also may or may not be considering purchasing the apartment that is being rented out for me. I am loving the U.K. and want to come out here more often. I would even move here full-time if Mitch was on board.

Most of the team begins collecting their stuff at the dismissal, myself included. I plan to walk to the coffee shop just across the street, but Jade approaches me, "Hey, I was heading around the corner to grab a salad, would you like to join me?" She asks.

I smile, "Sure." standing up to follow her when I'm met with a sharp pain in my hip. Something that's not uncommon for me the last couple days.

"Are you okay?" Jade voiced her concern when I wince.

"Yeah, just have a sore hip. It's been going on for a few days, usually only after I stand up after sitting for a while. Clearly I need to work out more." I laugh.

"Oh same, girl. We should be gym buddies." She laughs with me.

She shrugs on her hoodie and I put on my cardigan as we slip outside into the cool, spring air.

I haven't had very many opportunities to talk with the girls one on one or spend a ton of time with them with their busy schedules, so I'm actually very excited to get to know Jade a bit better, she has an infectious energy about her. Even though our studio sessions have all been filled with moments of shared vulnerability, sometimes it's hard to tell if someone is writing from experience or if they're playing a character.

As we walk side by side along the sidewalk, Jade turned to me with a thoughtful expression. "What sparked your love for music? Is there a particular moment or experience that ignited that passion within you?"

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