twenty seven.

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August 16, 2016

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August 16, 2016

"I think we should talk about where we want to have the baby." Harry says out of the blue. I'm sat on a barstool in his kitchen as he concocts a fruit salad for us (mostly me) to share over a lunch of homemade pizza.

"What do you mean?" I ask. All of my doctors appointments have been here in L.A., that's just where I assumed I'd be giving birth but I guess he's on a different page.

"Well, I've been talking with Jeff, my manager, about my schedule in the new year," he begins. "And let me preface this by saying, this is all your choice, I'm not going to force you into anything. You're the one doing the heavy lifting, this is your birth and I want you to be comfortable. I want it to be the way you want it to be. But, I've had a few thoughts I want to bring up."

"Okay, go for it." I nod slowly. Leaning forward to pick a cube of watermelon off the cutting board he's working from.

"My schedule next year is starting to get drawn out for some talk shows and stuff and I set a release date for the album now that we're in the final stages. It's looking like majority of the promo is going to be in London. With it being my first album and not really knowing the reception it'll get, we plan to do almost everything primarily in London and New York." He says and pauses to gauge my reaction, which is indifferent.

He goes back to chopping fruit, "Now, I would be completely okay with going back and forth if that's what you'd prefer, but I was thinking...I've got a house over in London that's plenty big and if we had her over there and had that as our homebase for six or so months, I could be home a lot more. And we'd be close to my family if we needed anything. We could also host your family in the guest rooms as long or as often as you want. Mitch would come with us since he's going to be a part of the band."

I take a moment to think about his proposal. It does make a lot of sense. The only thing really tying me here in California is work, which I can easily transfer all that over to London. But I don't have family tying me here- other than Mitch- but he goes where Harry goes for the foreseeable future. And my only super close friend here is Luke, assuming Dede would also make the move. Luke would be the only thing holding me back, but even then, I'm confident he'd be willing to make the trip out to see me every once in a while. Having Harry around as much as possible for the first few months would be ideal too.  It really does make sense and I'm not as opposed to the thought of it as I originally assumed I'd be.

Clearly I've been silent for far too long since Harry speaks up again, "You know what, let's just stay here, yeah? Makes more sense anyways." He shrugs, keeping his eyes on the mango he's peeling.

"Okay, when would we move?" I ask, making him pause and glance up at me.

"Wait, are you actually considering this?" He asks in disbelief, setting down his knife and leaning over the counter to look me in the eyes.

I nod, "Yeah, everything you brought up makes a lot of sense. I don't really have a valid reason to say no."

"I was thinking end of September, early October so we have enough time to get settled before it's go time."

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