mini update

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hiiiii besties!!! I miss you! I'm so sorry I've been late to updating! I've got a lot going on right now (juggling 4 jobs and it's busy season for all of them 😅) so updates might be slow for the next couple weeks. But I promise they're all in the works and I'm not abandoning all of you! Thank you so so much for your support in this book, there aren't words to describe how grateful I am that you all are reading my work 🥹.  If you wouldn't mind going back to previous chapters and voting or commenting on them if you haven't already, that would help me tremendously by pushing this out toward a bigger audience!! ALSO...I'm dealing with a tiny sliver of writers block so if you have any requests I'm all ears —>

Anywho that was a ramble so sorry if it didn't make sense haha, but basically I love you all and I promise I've got plenty of chapters in the works, I just might be a wee bit slower than usual ❤️

Alright I'll shut up now hahaha byeeee

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