Chapter Five: Lunch

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I don't think I ever wanted to rip a dress off of me more. It was nice, I wasn't saying my mother didn't have taste. It was just so... pink. I know, that sounds so stupid to say, but honestly, this was hurting my corneas to look at. I didn't want this. Nope. I pulled the dress off of me when I heard the doorbell ring. I grabbed a white shirt and black slacks and put those on along with some dress shoes. I pulled a blazer over me and adorned myself with gold earrings and a watch. I pulled my hair into an updo and when I looked in the mirror, I actually wolf-whistled at myself. I crossed an ankle over the other and did a slow spin. Yes. This was nice. A way to assert that, yes, I was a woman. But also, yes, I mean business.

Heiress to be of Chicago and now I looked the part. All I needed was a fedora, black gloves, maybe a cane, and a whole lot of arrogance and I was practically a copy of all the bosses in the states. Well, male bosses.

I exited my room, hearing the sounds of voices chatting downstairs. I nearly bumped into a few servants and maids as they rushed about. The dining hall was where the chatter was and that's where I was headed. As my dress shoes clacked against the hard floor, I unbuttoned the top button of my shirt and smoothed my coat. I didn't need to be welcomed in.

Elio might be the theatre kid, but I loved the drama. Especially if I caused it.

I flung the doors open and marched in. The chatter continued for a bit until people realized who I was. And what I was wearing. I tried to hide my smile as I marched all the way to my seat, hearing the discussions die slowly like fog fading into the background.

Amo Griffin was seated to the left of my seat and he slowly stood, eyes taking me in. I stopped in front of him, placed one hand in my pocket, stuck the other out to him and said, "Nice to see you again, Mr. Griffin."

He didn't say anything at first and I was beginning to think I had shocked him. But then a slow smile crept up his face and he gripped my hand. "Yes. Nice to meet you too, Miss. Maeve." His voice was low, but I could hear his smile in his tone and it made my fist clench.

I pulled my hand away, smoothing down my jacket. I glanced at him. "I see we have a similar style."

He shoved his right hand into his pocket and lifted his left one. "Partners have to match, right?"

The ring flashed. I twisted mine so the major diamond stayed hidden. My mother broke the silence. "Alright, everyone! The couple-to-be has arrived, so let's all sit and enjoy!" She added a forced laugh and when everyone sat down, she stared daggers at me.

I simply shrugged and took a bite of my bread. We ate, chatter commencing once more and a lot of the tension in the room-mostly caused by me-began to die down. But my back instantly went rigid when I felt a hand grab my own. I yanked it away from Amo's grasp, but he was fast. I don't want to say he was too fast, but he was.

I gripped his fingers tightly and twisted, satisfied when I felt a few of his knuckles crack. Then I let go. He grabbed my hand again and when I looked at him, his eyes stared right at me. Cold grey that looked like ice, but a sheen of amusement so bright it changed his entire demeanour. Then his hand tightened. My engagement ring's big diamond dug into my palm, but I held back everything. I smiled at him and said through gritted teeth, "That's the best you can do?"

His brow raised slightly. Then his hand tightened and it was my turn for my knuckles to crack.

One. Two. Three.

I tried to pull away but it didn't work. When that failed I dug my heel into the toe of his shoe. Nothing.

Four. Five.

He wasn't letting go. I looked at him, furious and trying my best to hide my pain. He was silent, brow still raised not so much as a question now, but a challenge. Realizing this was not going to work, I changed my tactics. I used my other hand and I reached over him to pretend to grab some more bread and let my elbow hit the wine bottle, spilling the red liquid all over Amo's white shirt. He stood up, letting go of my hand, and straightened the bottle. He cursed under his breath and; just to add a little more; I stood, taking a napkin, and wiped at his clothes; more making it worse than better. "I'm so sorry! Gosh, how clumsy of me!"

I smirked slightly when I met his gaze. My smirk fell when I saw his own on his lips. "Oh don't worry, Miss. Maeve." He pinched the shoulder of my white shirt and then let it go. "I'm sure you have more of these. Don't you?" The smirk was bordering on a maniacal grin now.

My mother was at his side. "Oh, yes! Bellona, since your father is not here, I want you to go upstairs and get Amo a shirt."

Amo. They were on a first-name basis now? How pleasant.

I shook my head. "My shirts would be too tight on him."

Mother shook her head. "Look at this shirt." She tugged on the material of my shirt. "How loose. This is your father's no?"

I hesitantly nodded. She huffed a breath. "Go. Amo, go with her, she'll get you a shirt."

There was nothing I could do. Mother's word means as much as father's word. To me it meant more. I exhaled deeply and nodded. "Yes, mother."

I turned on my heel, not meeting Amo's eyes, and headed out the dining hall and towards the stairs. I felt a thumping at my left hand and looked to see it a bit red and bleeding from a cut given to me by the diamond of my ring. I huffed and went up the stairs.

"Slow down," I heard Amo say from behind me.

"What?" I shouted over my shoulder, not stopping. "Your mouth can move faster than your body?"

I made it to my bedroom door and opened it, stopping in the doorway. I turned to yell at Amo to come up faster when I nearly bumped into him. He had his tilted grin on. His hands went up to grip the banister on either side of me. "Oh no, Miss. Maeve. My body can move very fast." He leaned down. "Trust me," he whispered.

I gripped his shoulder to push him.

"Good," he said in a low voice. "Shoulders are something. Next time, try lower."

I shoved him away, surprised that he actually stepped back. Then I turned into my room and went in. "Come in quick or you'll have to go downstairs shirtless."

I bit my tongue when I said that and slowly turned to him. He was grinning broadly, and said with a small laugh, "I bet you'd love to see that."

I grabbed my clothes and slammed the door to the bathroom, blocking him from view.

Fucking. Prick.

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