Chapter Twenty-Four: Silence

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How loud is silence? Because I'm sure I've never heard a louder sound than this.

I got out of the taxi with Bellona still in my arms. The rain was pouring so much by now but I couldn't run. So I leaned over her, pressing my back against the direction of the rain, and walked into the hotel. The people behind the desk immediately saw us and gasped, but I didn't let them come anywhere near us. Anywhere near Bellona.

The elevator ride up was slower than anything. I rested my back against the mirrored walls and felt my wet shirt against me. We were both dripping and I knew I needed we needed to change otherwise we'd get sick

I walked slowly to the hotel room and opened it, remembering I hadn't locked it. I didn't even care if maybe we were robbed. I only cared for the woman in my arms whose grip was beginning to loosen on me.

"Stay with me, Kallistê," I said as I walked to the bed.

I set her down and she winced. My hands tensed on her for a second then I relaxed. When I pulled back I saw the blood mark I was leaving on her. Blood coming from my hand.


I'd deal with it later. I removed her shoes, slowly, untying the laces of her sneakers first then sliding them off of her heel. I took off her socks and threw all of the wet footwear to the other side of the room. When I looked up at Bellona. Her chest rose and fell but she was shivering. I was too. I couldn't take care of her if my own hands were shaking.

My phone rang. I picked it up. "Yeah?"

"Jesus, are you dead?" I heard Nex say. "You sound like you're dead."

I hummed in response. "What do you need?"

"Christ, alright, I'm going to forget you're grumbling and tell you that I'm here."

I looked up slowly, meeting my reflection in the mirror. I was soaked head to toe, with my clothes sticking to my skin and my hair a wet and wild mess on my head. "What do you mean you're here?"

I heard the wind outside and then the sound of a door opening and closing. "Goddamn, London has bad weather."

I perked up. "What?"

"I tried to call you before, but you didn't pick up. I just got out of the airport and am in a cab at the moment. The eye is keen."

I smiled. "You're in London," I said again just to make myself believe it. "You couldn't have picked a better time."


I shook my head. "It's better if you just come here. I'll send you the address."

I clicked send and in only a few minutes, Nex arrived. Thank the horrid storm outside for the lack of traffic. I opened the door and instantly placed a finger to my lips, silencing Nex before he could speak. He set his bags down and removed his shoes and coat. He froze once he'd round the corner. "Shit," he whispered.

I rubbed my forehead. "Yup."

He faced me fully. "Never mind what I said, she looks dead."

My eyes shot to Nex and I knew he knew he'd said the wrong thing.

"I didn't mean–"

In an instant, I backed him into a wall. I stuck a finger at him. "If you are here to say unuseful things like that, then get out."

He held my shoulders and slowly pushed me off, staring at me with a bit of shock. "Okay. You need to calm down. You look like you're going to pass out."

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