Chapter Twenty-Six: Close

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I didn't sleep. I didn't even get an hour's worth of sleep. Nothing. Every time my eyes closed I saw Will's bloody face, grinning at me. The thought came to my mind, unwanted.

"Your fiancée's quite the woman," he said as I wiped the blood off of my hands with a towel.

I tensed, saying nothing. I wasn't going to talk to him as if I saw him as anything other than an obstacle I had to terminate.

Will huffed out a laugh, his voice was hoarse from screaming just a few minutes ago. "She was very curious about Maria."

There it was again, that same feeling in the back of my head. My stitches itched but I did not move my hand up to touch them. I was not going to give him any reaction.

"Remember anything, Griffin?" He said in a maniacal voice. Taunting me.

I bit my tongue before I could bark at him to not call me that. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was getting to me.

"Your memory can't be that bad, Griffin."

"Don't call me that," I snarled, spinning to face him. He grinned. Damn it.

"Why? Reminds you of Marco?"

Nex was watching me. A thought crossed my mind that I should just shoot Will now and be done with it, but the image of Bellona stopped me from reaching for my gun.

In the end, I killed Will. I got what I needed from him and disposed of him. Nex was to handle the clean-up, even though I insisted I could. But ever here, laying in bed, Will's words rang in my ears, sparking a memory deep in the fog of my mind. Deep enough that I couldn't reach it but I knew it was there.

"Our minds tend to make us forget memories too painful to keep. What memory have you lost, Griffin?"

I shifted in the bed again for what seemed like the twentieth time. I rolled onto my right side and nearly yelped when I saw Bellona's eyes staring at me as she lay on her left side. We kept our gazes locked for a long time before she spoke.

"Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?" Her voice was quiet and tired and slightly slurred with sleep.

My eyes flickered to the gold chain on her neck that I could faintly see before returning to her face. "I could ask you the same thing."

She didn't miss a beat. "I haven't slept because you keep moving."


"I can move to the floor if you like," I offered, even though I didn't want to.

The only bit of light in the room was coming from a small crack between the curtains that draped over the windows behind me. The light cast an eerie white glow over whatever it touched, and it just happened to be a bit of Bellona's face. I was thankful when I looked at the parts that glowed that colour had returned to her face.

She was silent. I took that as a yes.

I went to stand up and move a pillow and a blanket to the floor when something latched onto my wrist. I snapped all my attention back and saw Bellona leaning over to my side of the bed and holding my wrist in her right hand. She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, not letting go of me. Her eyes were not on me but on my arm as if something was on it, something so interesting that it required all of her attention. It was as if she didn't want me to see her directly when she spoke. She didn't need to worry, the darkness enveloped most of her, leaving only a bit of half of her face to me.

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