Bruce: Ice-Cream

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I watched as Clark's head snapped up fast enough his glasses slid down his nose. His eyes were wide, and his face was a hot red. He seemed embarrassed, opening and closing his mouth like a guppy. I couldn't help the smirk that slid on my face at his expression. His face quickly flushed more, his hands making awkward hand movements.

"Dad!" A soft whack to my stomach made me refocus my attention onto Dick, who was pouting. "You broke him!" He whined.

I laughed a little as I looked back to the reporter, who was looking between me and Dick. He finally seemed capable of understanding what was going on. And who he had been talking to.

"I-I didn't know! I-I swear!" His voice pitched a little, making me bow my head to hide the laughing smile on my face. The press would have a field day with that type of picture!

Composing myself, I looked him in the eyes as I spoke. "I don't doubt you. You don't seem to be the type to try and corner a kid for an interview." He flushed more and I felt someone whack my stomach again.

"Dad! Be nice!" Dick hissed, pouting more.

I chuckled at him, ruffling his already messy hair. I then looked to Clark and then at his cart. It was full of healthy, but highly calorie food. Right, like Flash, Superman needs to eat a lot of food to maintain his physical strength. Though there a couple things of sweets that didn't seem like his style. I then looked down at Dick, who was looking up at me with these pleading eyes. I knew what he wanted. Sly little Robin.

"Why don't we three go out for ice-cream after I pay for everything?"

Clark's eyes widen and he opened his mouth, possibly to deny, but he too looks down at Dick. Glancing down, I saw that he was pulling on the innocent look he usually pulls when he's captured in his civilian form. A look that crumbled the Man of Steel into submission.

"O-Okay..." He muttered, just loud enough for me to hear.

Dick jumps up happily with a soft cheer before rushing off to grab something else on our list. I sighed some, patting Clark on the back.

"Got you with the Look, huh?" He just nodded. "You know he planned this, right?" He nodded again after a moment.

"He's a straight A student and an ambitious kid... Should've known something was up..."

I chuckled, ruffling his hair in a joking fashion. "Come on, lets hurry and finish shopping."

We quickly followed after the little Robin. He had grabbed some more things of protein and vitamins before I paid for everything. I told Clark to follow me since there was an ice-cream parlor that wasn't too far away from the Supermarket. It wasn't long before we were there and Dick was at the ice-cream window, looking at what he wanted.

"I'll take a strawberry and mint chocolate please." I ordered. The lady behind the counter of course flashed me a smile and nodded. I noticed she added a little extra for mine.

"Oh! I want Rocky Road in a sprinkle waffle cone!" Dick chirped, looking up to me for approval. He works out and hard enough, he deserves it. I gave the woman a nod, smiling some. She also added some extra for the boy.

"I-I'll just have..." Clark paused before he pointed one of the ice-creams. He was probably still embarrassed from earlier.

"Ah! The Blue Cotton Candy Chocolate mix?" The woman asked, her tone polite.

Clark nodded and she scooped up the blue and brown ice-cream, she just didn't put a little extra in it. I found that a little rude, but what was I supposed to do? She was doing her job technically. Besides, the Man of Steel didn't seem to have cared about the uneven scooping. I quickly paid and she handed me the receipt after writing some things on it. I didn't need to look to know she wrote her number, now that was extremely unprofessional. Yet, it was something that I was used to, I'm Bruce Wayne after all. Besides, this was supposed to be a friendly get-together over ice-cream.

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