Bruce: Waiting is the Worst

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A month passed with Superman being MIA. Of course, J'onn took care of Metropolis, disguised as Superman. Major villains that would likely be targeted were told and warned to stay in jail or to stay underground. Most had listened, seeing as Superman was a danger on a good day. Luthor, like most would've thought, was the biggest problem.

"Superman, being a problem. Please." He waved his hand in a careless way, rolling his eyes.

"His anger impulses are lowered, he will attack you." I warned him.

He scoffed again.

"I have Kryptonite."

I felt my eyes narrow. He was taking this far too lightly. Normally, I would've just let him be, let him figure out that he should've listened to my warning. However, Ivy had claimed that she would need him for something, something that she refused to tell me about. I don't like the secrecy, but I didn't have time to wait.

"Even Joker is playing nice and staying in Arkham."

This caused Luthor to pause, his own eyes glaring at me. It wasn't every day that the crazed clown would actually listen to me and stay somewhere safe. Then again, both Ivy and Harley had backed me up.

He didn't say anything, quickly typing something into his computer. He was likely checking that. His face twisted, a twinge of fear in his eyes.

"Now, why-"

"Poison Ivy can tell you. She is in the Watchtower." I grabbed his wrists, putting cuffs on them.

"Really? Is this necessary?" He huffed, a scowl on his face.

"Yes. I don't trust you."

"Yet you need me."

"For now. J'onn."

With that, the two of us were beamed up. It was a bit jarring and for a moment I couldn't see. This was far more different than Boom Tubes, but it was the easiest way to get around on planet with Superman the way he is.

"I see it's back online."

I didn't say anything, just tugging him along to where Ivy and Harley were. The two ladies were the leads in the lab with some of the smarter heroes helping them. Flash was currently helping by running back and forth for the group. It seemed like not even she knew the full effects of her newly formed pollen. At least not for an alien like Superman.

After all that, all we could do was focus on making the cure for Superman and keep the populous from wondering where he was. It wouldn't do anyone good to find out he's been brainwashed again.

I wanted to help them. For once, my desire to help came from a genuine feeling of selfishness, I just wanted to see if he would feel the same about me. Whether or not his love and care for me was just the pollen talking, or because he loved me from before like Dickie had thought.

Yet, as intelligent as I was, Ivy refused to have me help in anything other than materials and chemicals that Wayne Enterprises would have or have access to. It was annoying. However, I had my own city to deal with, mostly low-level crimes, and to take care of my ward.

"Dad, when is Papa going to come back?"

'Speak of the devil.'

I looked up from Wayne Enterprises' business work to see my ward staring at me with big, sad blue eyes. I could tell instantly that he was trying to put on a brave face, trying to seem like Clark's silence wasn't hurting him. It broke my heart, but I also didn't want to tell him about what was going on... I couldn't, I tried but I couldn't.

"Papa's... Papa's a bit busy with things. Even I don't know what." He needed some honesty at least.

His face scrunched up, brows furrowing.

"Did..." His face fell. "Did you and Papa break up?" At his own question, tears were already pooling in his eyes.

I left my desk instantly, pulling him into a tight embrace, rocking him a little.

"No... Me and Papa didn't break up... It's just..." I felt my throat beginning to close up. "It's just that adults sometimes need space from each other... Some secrets are good to have, as well as boundaries... Okay?"

The boy in my arms just nodded, doing his best to not cry so loudly. All I could do was hold him tighter. He was really attached to Clark, and Clark was good to him. I wasn't any better though. He was good to me as well... When would this nightmare end and we can finally know the truth about us?

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