The Cure

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J'onn and Flash were keeping watch of everything, going through every camera they could to see if they could find Clark via face recognition. It took a lot of programming to get it right with a five percent change of it missing it's mark. They were willing to take that chance. They then saw him dropping off Dick Greyson at a friend's place within Gotham.

"Is that a good sign?" The red clad superhero looked to his alien friend.

The stoic man frowned more deeply, thinking of the possibilities. He then shook his head.

"Not likely." He went quiet for a few seconds after that, his eyes glowing a subtle red.

Not long after, Ivy and Harley Quinn were walking onto the bridge. The green toned woman had a box in her hands of two vials with pinkish liquid.

"The cure's done... But it needs to be administered either orally or through injection." She told as she handed it to them.

"What's... In it?" Flash couldn't stop himself from asking, moving a bit closer to look more closely at the cure. It appeared to be glowing somewhat.

"It has pink Kryptonite within it. Not enough to change him, but enough for the actual cure to wipe out my poison."

The speedster pulled back, looking to her with wide eyes. He opened his mouth, but no words came out till he just shook his head.

"It won't do anything but help the cure, right?" His voice softened.

Harley huffed, nodding.

"Of course, it's one thing to have Bats out of control, its entirely another thing for Supes to be crazy!"

"Is that the cure?"

The other original Leaguer soon joined them, worry on most of their faces. Diana just looked annoyed.

"Yes, but it has to be given to him orally or injected."

"And how do you suppose we do either of those?" Hal huffed, shifting a little. "He'll hear us long before we can get there! And did you forget, his skin is tougher than steel?"

"We just need to hold him down then! If we have our heavy hitters-" Diana started but was quickly stopped when a hand raised itself.

"No." Stewart shook his head. "We need to get the cure to Bruce. J'onn can telepathically tell him what needs to be done."

"That would take too much time!" Diana snapped.

"It's the only safe play we got!" He countered.

"No it's not! We have enough-"

"He has been restraining himself for the safety of others. If he feels ya are threatening his Brucie, then he won't hesitant to kill." Harley quickly stood between the two superheroes, glaring down at the Amazon. "He won't let you change him, not without a fight that will leave people dead and buried."

The cold way she spoke and how sane she looked for once was strange. It truly brought how unusual and unstable the whole thing had become.

"And how would you know that, clown?"

The blonde rolled her eyes.

"I was a doctor before I became Harley Quinn, the best of my class. Since gettin' here, I've been going over all of Supes documents and watching those training videos. He's been holding back. He now has technique along with his natural strength, he won't even be needing that strength to kill any of us. I believe that as much as I believe that you need to get over yourself, Princess."

Diana took a step forward, her eyes ablaze with rage, but Ivy pulled her Harley behind her, the planets that were wrapped around her arms growing and sharpening. Stewart and Hal quickly stopped the fight by putting the women in their own bubbles, however.

"Enough." J'onn sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked more tired than they had ever seen him. "We will keep one and if within the next month," he looked to Ivy before continuing, "he does not return to something akin to normal, then we can try injecting him with it."

Diana scowled but agreed. Just then, there was a ping from the computer, showing Clark and Bruce walking the streets of Paris, France. A very crowded and rather wonderful area to do a hand over for the cure.

"I'll go there alone. Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, please have a few more of these made."

"Of course." The green bubble around the pair was dropped, letting them exit and go back to the labs.

Once out of the room, Diana was released.

"We're putting too much trust in those two."

J'onn said nothing, instead handing the second vial to Flash for safe keeping. He would at least be fast enough to get do it anyway. At the current moment, they had to be fast, who knows how long they would stay in Paris for! They couldn't miss this opportunity.

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