Author's Note

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Hey everybody, so I hope everything is going well for you guys. I just wanted to check up on everyone before I continue this. If there is anything going on in your life and your struggling with it, just take a deep breath in and take it slow. Just know so many people are proud of you and loves you.

Now onto the book, I don't know how this is going to go. I don't know if it'll be entirely good. For Troubled Memories it was a mess, mostly because I stayed up late to write every chapter. Now that this is the second book to the "series," there will be some changes. Well not really, hosie is still endgame but there will be much more obstacles (not really) which will probably annoy all of you but hosie will happen, you just have to wait just a couple more chapters. I wont let you guys down, well maybe i will for the first couple of chapters but i wont let you guys down. Also a chapter will be out in a couple of hours. and by a couple of hours I mean by like 10:30-11:30. I've been busy all day

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