Chapter 1- You Lied. Why?

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Josie's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since Hope got her memories back. She's been hanging out with the Squad or what's left of the squad. Turns out dad didn't want to come back so Dorian is officially taking over the school. Lizzie finally made it official with Mg. Everything seemed to be normal. Just something feels off with Hope. I walk up to Hope and she was reading a book.

J: Hey.

H: Hi. Is everything okay?

J: Yeah, is everything okay with you?

H: Of course. Why wouldn't it be?

J: I don't know, things just feel off.

H: I was kind of thinking the same thing.

J: Oh really?

H: Yeah? You seem suspicious of me. Why have you been so suspicious?

J: Me suspicious? What do you mean?

H: It feels like you just don't trust me as much anymore. I mean I understand why. You've told me all about what happened.

J: So you don't remember what exactly happened?

H: I mean I do, I remember everything.

I can tell in her tone of voice that she was lying. Does she actually not remember anything? Was she lying? Is she playing a prank?

J: You're lying.

H: No, I have no reason to lie. Why would you think such a thing?

J: Are you being serious? You lied and now you're trying to lie even more.

H: Josie, it's not like that. I would never lie to you.

J: Hope, stop lying. Just be honest.

H: Okay, yes I lied. I've been lying for 2 weeks. I'm sorry.

J: Why?

Hope raised her eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

J: Don't even give me that look. Why'd you lie Hope?

H: I don't know. I just felt the need to.

J: You just felt the need to? You've got to be kidding right now.

H: Okay I didn't exactly mean anything by it. I just meant-

J: Tell me why you even lied because I know you never lied until now.

H: I lied because you seemed so happy. They're coming back slowly. Emma said they'd come back during the week.

J: You could've just told me that instead of lying to me.

H: Josie, I seriously didn't mean to. I didn't want to disappoint you.

J: I need you to be honest with me Hope. I can't have you lying to me.

H: I just didn't want to disappoint you. I'm sorry.

J: I need to go.

I turned around and left Hope to her book. Once I got away from her, I bumped into Lizzie.

Li: Hey, Jo everything okay?

J: Yeah, I just need space. I'll talk to you later.

Li: I swear to god if Hope hurt you.

J: It has nothing to do with Hope.

Li: Oh okay, then what is it?

J: It's nothing.

I walked past Lizzie. She was probably super curious at this point. Of course I had to lie to her. I can't let Hope get punished for something like this. It was just a simple mistake.

Hope's POV

After Josie left, I walked straight to Emma's room. I knocked and she opened the door.

Em: Hope, is everything okay?

H: Josie is upset with me.

Em: Why?

I walked inside her room. She closed the door and sat at her desk. I sat down in an empty chair.

H: I finally told her the truth about my memories.

Em: What'd she say?

H: She didn't seem to happy about it, that's for sure.

Em: I'm very sorry about that. Are they coming back lately?

H: Little bits and pieces. I messed up so bad. I don't think I can fix it this time.

Em: Then maybe give her some space. Let her think things through. It'd be good for you guys.

H: You think so?

Emma nods and I sigh. I run my hand through my hair and lean back in my chair.

H: I just want her. How did things get so messed up so quick?

Em: Anything can happen during time.

H: Obviously not good things. What if this is the universe telling me that Josie and I can never work this out. What if we're doomed?

Em: You said the same thing about Landon.

H: Yeah and look where that got us. He's dead.

Em: You didn't have any part of his death and you know that.

H: Landon was a great guy and ever since he started coming here his life got more messed up in the process. A part of me thinks it's my fault. He came here because of me.

Em: No, he choose to come here. He wanted a home and everyone tried to give him that. You can't decide for people, you can only support their decisions or walk away.

H: What should I do? I want Josie to know that she can trust me.

Em: Figure it out, you always do.

H: What if she doesn't want me?

Em: Josie loves you Hope. It's no secret.

H: How could she love someone who's always hurt her?

Em: Believe it or not Hope but you're a good person too.

H: A good person doesn't do the things I did.

Emma chuckled a tiny bit and I raised my eyebrow. What was so funny?

Em: Your still a kid, you guys are always going to make mistakes no matter how old you are. There's nothing you can do but learn from your mistakes.

H: How would I do that if all I'm doing is hurting her?

Em: This is something you should figure out on your own.

H: Your supposed to be my therapist.

Em: I am being your therapist. Life isn't about getting everything you want, you have to work for it. You want Josie so bad then find out how to get her. I can't tell you how to get her back, it wouldn't really mean much to her.

H: Okay, thanks for the help.

Em: You're welcome, now go figure out how to get Josie.

H: That's if she even wants me back.

Em: Oh I'm sure she does.

Emma smiled and I smiled back. I got up and walked out of her room. An announcement came on talking about some dance. It was going to happen this week. I could take Josie with me to the dance and talk to her that way. If only she accepts going to the dance with me.

Author's Note: Shit well, I completely forgot. It's now 12am. I have bad memory. Very sorry for the late update

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