Chapter 8- Definitely Drama But Not Enough To Ruin The Dance

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Josie's POV

Hope left Lizzie and I's room. Lizzie and I kept trying to figure who could've threatened me. She jumped up and seemed like she had an idea of who it was.

J: What?

Li: I think I might know who it was and where Hope is going.

J: Who?

Li: Maya. She's a psycho.

J: And you wanted to set her up with Hope?

Li: To be fair, Maya volunteered to go out with Hope and then last night happened and now she wants to kill you.

J: Like actually kill me?

Lizzie nods and we leave the school. She drives us over to Maya's house and luckily Hope's car isn't here. Then again she is a vampire so she probably beat us here.

Li: Let's wish Hope isn't here.

H: Sorry girls but I just got here.

We turned around and seen Hope standing there.

J: Hey, it's so nice to see you here.

H: Yeah, so who's knocking on the door?

It went completely silent and Hope shrugs.

H: Alright I guess I'll do it.

J: No it's fine. You should wait in the car.

H: No it's fine, I don't mind doing this at all.

Hope walked up to Maya's door and knocked. Maya opened the door and Lizzie and I pretended to be doing something. Like working on the car or something.

Hope's POV

Maya opened the door. I made my way inside and she closed the door. I sat down in a chair and crossed my legs.

H: So we need to have a little chat.

Ma: Indeed we do.

H: So why'd you threaten Josie?

Ma: You're supposed to go to the dance with me.

H: I want to go with Josie. I never even agreed to go with you. Lizzie just made a plan and thought you'd be perfect for it.

Ma: And I am.

H: You really aren't.

Ma: How am I not?

H: You threatened Josie. That doesn't fly with me so you know what that means, right?

Ma: Get out of my house.

H: I will on one condition.

Ma: And what's that?

H: Leave Josie alone.

Ma: Fine just leave.

I nod and walked out. I walked up to Josie and Lizzie and smiled.

H: Well now that that is handled let's go back to the school.

J: And when we get back, we need to talk.

My heart dropped to my stomach. I better ask her to the dance quickly. I'll do it when we get back. Or maybe we should talk and if it's not a good conversation, then I won't ask her.

We finally got back to the school. Lizzie walked away from me and Josie. Josie looked down and I made her look at me.

H: Whatever it is, you can tell me.

J: What if she still tries to ruin what we have?

H: I won't let anything happen to us.

J: What are we?

H: I don't know.

J: Okay, I'll see you tonight?

H: I would hope so.

Josie walked away. I stood there and Mg was quick by my side.

Mg: Everything is set up. Here you are.

He handed me everything that I would need. I thanked him and he handed me some nicer clothes. He vamped off and Lizzie showed back up.

Li: Let's get you ready to ask her to the dance, and definitely properly this time.

I smiled and we went to the docks. She went back to the car and I had to do this the correct way.

Josie's POV

I was walking into the school and Mg came up next to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

J: Why are you out here?

Mg: Just finished my run.

J: You run?

Mg: How else am I supposed to stay in shape?

J: Oh okay. I never knew that.

Mg and I continued our conversation. He went quiet for a little while and walked into the school. I followed him and seen a huge banner saying "Turn around my love." I turned around to see Hope standing there.

J: Hope, what's all this?

H: Josette Olivia Lucas Saltzman, will you do the honors and go to the dance with me?

I smiled and honestly this was pretty amazing. It seemed like it was full of thought and details. I nodded and walked up to Hope.

J: I would love to.

H: Really?

J: Yes, a hundred times yes.

We kissed and a bunch of people were cheering. She pulled away and smiled.

J: What?

H: You're just really beautiful.

J: Thank you.

We kissed again. Everyone clapped and we pulled away. I seen Dorian was telling everyone to get to class. I kissed Hope's cheek and walked to my next class.

Author's Note: Another short chapter. The next chapter will be all about the dance. I know I technically lied about this one being about the dance but I want to make up for all the other chapters I had to put you guys through. So last chapter, this one and next one will hopefully make up for it. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. More cute and cringey moments to come.

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