Chapter 3- Josie Did What?

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Josie's POV

After dinner, Hope and I took a walk. It was a lot longer then what we intended for it. We stopped by the docks and Hope looked at me.

H: What's your real answer?

J: To what?

H: To the dance. I don't want to force you to go with me. Especially after everything that went down.

J: Then I won't. Problem solved.

I shrugged and Hope raised an eyebrow. I looked out into the water and I seen Hope look down in the corner of my eye.

J: We won't go.

Hope looked at me. She gave me a confused look and I smiled.

J: We stay in bed, cuddle, eat snacks, watch movies.

H: So you don't want to go to the dance?

J: Not really.

H: You could've just told me that instead of making everyone think we were going.

J: Your the one who told me to say yes.

Hope shook her head and I chuckled. We heard a twig snap and we turned around. Cleo walked up to us.

Cl: Hope, somebody's looking for you.

H: Who?

Cl: They go by the name Landon.

H: Landon's dead.

Cl: Apparently not.

We all walked back to the school. Once we got there, we did indeed see a Landon. Some version of him.

H: Landon is that you?

La: I would really hope so. I feel so alive.

H: This can't be happening.

La: So what'd I miss?

Hope had a huge smile on her face. Landon seemed pretty happy too. How did he come back? I looked at his hands and I seen no ring. Did Cleo bring him back?

Cl: He seems pretty alive to me.

J: Did you bring him back?

Cl: I didn't even know Landon until now.

J: Something just doesn't seem right about this.

I walked off and Cleo stood there. Lizzie walked past me and stood by Cleo. I need to find out how he got back.

Hope's POV

Landon was back. We hugged and caught up on everything. He just had a huge smile on his face. Things were somewhat looking up. I missed Landon, he was a good friend.

La: You guys seem like you've been through a lot.

H: You have no idea.

Landon and I walked out of the school. I wanted to spend some time with him without all the eyes on us. We went to the dock and everything was peaceful.

La: So did you and Josie ever get back together?

H: Uh, that's a tough subject.

La: So I'm guessing you guys didn't. Alright, hmm I could help you out.

H: How could you help me?

La: Well you love her, right?

I nod and he smiles.

La: Good then this will probably work.

H: What?

La: Just listen to my plan.

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