Chapter 12- Enjoy Your Vacation

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Josie's POV

Everyone woke up bright and early. We were having breakfast, waiting for Mg and Lizzie finish packing everything into the car. Lizzie and Mg walked into the room and I smiled. Lizzie sat by me and Mg sat by her.

J: I hope you guys have fun.

Li: Thank you. I hope you guys have fun doing whatever your doing.

J: We actually don't have anything planned.

Li: Oh, so then what are you guys doing?

J: Probably just going to relax.

Lizzie nods and we all have a decent conversation. Lizzie explained that her and Mg were going to Florida for the week. Only to visit Mg's grandparents. I stood up and pulled Mg away from the group.

Mg: Jo what's up?

J: So I have an idea.

Mg: Okay?

J: What if we come with you, not right now of course but like tomorrow or in 2 days?

Mg: That'd be amazing, you want to surprise her?

I nod and Mg smiled.

Mg: Is Hope okay with this?

J: I haven't actually talked to her about it yet.

Mg: Then you should check in with her and if she's not okay with it then you can still come along.

J: Okay. Thanks Mg.

He nods and we walked back over to the group. I sat down in Hope's lap and she wrapped her arms around my waist. I checked the time and seen it was almost time for Lizzie to go.

Li: Well I guess I'll see everyone in a week. There better be a surprise party when I get back.

J: Of course Lizzie, anything for you.

Li: Well goodbye everyone.

We all stood up and hugged Lizzie and Mg. They said bye and left. I looked over at Hope.

J: We need to talk.

H: Oh uh what about?

I took her hand and walked away from Kaleb. He was the only one there that wasn't gone or leaving. Cleo would keep him company though so he'll be okay. We walked up to my room and I closed the door.

H: So what's going on?

J: When is the restaurant thing?

H: Tonight. Do you not want to go?

J: We can go, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to Florida tomorrow night. It's okay if you don't want to. I just wanted to make sur-

H: I'll go.

J: You will?

H: Mhm, as long as I have you by my side then I'll be fine. We can go tomorrow night and tonight we'll be going to that thing that that guy wanted us to go to.

I smiled and Hope and I hugged. She pulled away, keeping her hands on my waist and we shared a passionate kiss. I love all the passionate kisses that we've been sharing. They're nice and perfect.

Lizzie's POV

We were boarding our plane. I quickly texted Josie about it. She answered immediately. Josie had told me to have a nice flight. I smiled and looked over at Mg. He was out. I grabbed my drink and drank it. After that my neck snapped.

Hope's POV

The entire day, Josie has been worried about Lizzie. Josie was in the library, trying to distract herself. I sat down next to her and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and smiled.

H: Come with me.

J: Where are we going?

H: It'll be a surprise.

J: I hate surprises though.

H: I think you'll love this surprise.

It wasn't even a surprise. I was going to take her to the restaurant that the guy gave us tickets too. It confused me on why we needed tickets but I didn't entirely ask. Maybe it was for reservations.

I took the book from Josie and placed it on the table. She stood up and we walked up to her room. I stopped at her door and she raised an eyebrow.

H: I'll be back I promise.

Josie smiled and I walked away. I still had the tickets but something is telling me that we shouldn't go. I ripped up the tickets and threw them out. I went back to Josie.

H: Get ready.

J: What do you expect me to wear.

H: However you want.

J: Okay? Can you tell me what the surprise is?

H: That would ruin the surprise my love.

J: Fine. Could you give me a hint?

I shook my head and she did her usual pout. I smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

H: I'll see you in a little bit.

Josie nods and I walked out of her room. I seen Kaleb and walked up to him.

Ka: What's up?

H: I need your help.

Ka: Okay?

H: Could you set something up for me?

Ka: Yeah sure.

H: Okay good, just make it look cute. Get some help from somebody if you think it isn't good.

Ka: Alright where do you want it?

H: Pick a spot for me.

Kaleb nods and runs off. I need to pass time. I take my phone out and text Lizzie. I even text Mg. They weren't answering so maybe they just have bad signal. Something seems off.

Author's Note: Don't worry, Hope and Josie will still go on their date. This chapter is short, I tend to keep it that way. I'm just running out of things to put in this book. Also my phone is running so slow rn. I'm trying my hardest to at least get a new one. So updates will be a lot later than expected. I'm also trying to find motivation to edit for my tiktok account which I apparently suck at posting on. But I hope you guys are enjoying this.

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