Chapter 11- Surprise

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Hope's POV

It was the next morning. I looked around and seen nobody near me. I sat up and Josie walked through the door. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

H: Where did you go?

J: To the bathroom.

H: What time is it?

J: Almost noon.

H: You just let me sleep?

Josie nods and sat down next to me. I held my hands out and she held onto my hands. I smirked and she shook her head and attempted to take her hands back. I pulled her closer to me to where she was now laying on top of me.

J: You can't be doing that to me.

H: Why not?

J: Because I said so.

H: Well if you don't have a good reason for why I can't do that then I'm just going to keep doing it.

J: When did I ever have to come up with good reasons?

H: Sense I said so.

J: What happened to those good reasons?

H: Who said I had to come up with good reasons? I only said you had to come up with a good reason.

Josie rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

J: I hate you, you know that?

H: I love you too.

J: I have to go meet up with Lizzie.

H: Why?

J: She wants to hang out before her and Mg go on a vacation.

H: Where are they going?

J: I have no idea, I just know that we get to be alone for the next week.

H: And what will we be doing while they're gone?

J: Cuddles? If that's okay.

H: I would love cuddles.

J: Good because either way we'd be cuddling for the entirety of the week.

H: Can't wait darling.

J: You should hang out with Mg.

H: What about Aiden, Green and Ben?

J: I think they already left.

I nod and Josie kisses my cheek. She stands up and I frown. She looks at me and lays back down.

J: Maybe just 5 more minutes. It couldn't hurt.

H: I'm glad you decided to st-

My door gets swung open. I look at who opened the door and seen Lizzie. She does realize she doesn't have to swing my door open. She could simply just open it.

H: One day Lizzie is going to break my door off of it's hinges.

Li: Just be happy that it's not already off of it's hinges. Josie, come on. We have limited time today.

J: When are you leaving?

Li: Early in the morning tomorrow so get up and stop snuggling Hope.

J: Okay I'm getting up.

Li: Clearly you're still laying down.

J: Okay, I'll be up in a second.

Li: I'll see you downstairs.

Josie nods and Lizzie leaves the room. Josie groans and stands up. I chuckle and also stood up. Josie and I shared a passionate kiss. Josie pulled away and said her goodbyes and left. I shut my door behind her and I grab a pair of clothes. Then headed to the shower.

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