Chapter 14- So What's The Plan?

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Hope's POV

After our conversation last night about what Cleo said. I woke up. I was in my own room. I told Josie that I would meet up with her in the morning. I saw Cleo waking up as well. I smiled at her and grabbed some clothes.

Cl: Could we talk?

H: Of course. What's up?

Cl: I hardly see you anymore and I just wanted to know if we can hang out sometime.

H: How about later tonight? We can hang out, watch movies and gossip about the boys if you want and see who really has your attention.

Cl: That would be amazing. Thank you Hope.

H: Don't thank me. I know I've been a horrible friend to you. I'll try harder, I promise.

Cleo smiled and I smiled back at her. I went into the bathroom and changed. I brushed my teeth and said bye to Cleo. I walked to Josie's room and knocked on the door. I heard Josie say to come in and I opened the door.

H: You aren't ready yet?

J: I'm only putting on a little bit of make up.

I walk up to her and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed the top of her head.

H: I think you're perfect without make up my love.

J: I love you.

H: And I love you.

I kissed her cheek and she smiled. Lizzie groaned and I laughed. I backed away and Lizzie rolls her eyes.

Li: You guys are really annoying when you're all in love.

H: It's called being happy Lizzie. Maybe you should try it some time.

Li: I am happy.

H: Oh really? Then how come I don't see you smile so much anymore?

Li: Because you're always around.

H: Haha you're just so funny.

I roll my eyes and Lizzie laughs a little bit. She stands up and walks into the bathroom. I look at Josie and she stands up. She wraps her arms around me and I place my hands on her hips.

J: So about last night.

H: I don't want to talk or think about it until the time comes.

J: But you heard what Cleo said.

I take my hands off of her hips. I even unwrap her arms from around me.

H: I know but if we think about it or talk about it then it'll just bring danger towards us. That's how it always happened. We talked about monsters, they would come so the best thing we have right-

J: We need to be prepared for this Hope. We can't just pretend like it's not happening.

H: I get that but if you just listen to me then maybe we wouldn't be in a half argument about something stupid.

J: Your life is on the line Hope, I don't think it's stupid to find solutions to keep you breathing so I'm sorry for caring about my girlfriend who apparently is just asking for a death wish.

H: I never said I was asking for a death wish. I just- I'm sorry, okay. I understand we have to talk about it, I do but I don't want to talk about it right now, okay?

J: Okay. I'm sorry.

H: It's okay, we're okay.

Li: Wow, that was the fastest argument I've ever seen end between you two.

I looked over at Lizzie. She seemed surprised and I smiled.

H: We actually talk about things and not just let arguments settle everything.

Li: If that's supposed to be a comeback then that absolutely sucks and you've been hanging out with Josie way too much.

H: Whatever let's go get breakfast before another argument appears out of no where.

We all made our way to breakfast. We got our food and sat down at our usual table. I seen Cleo and waved her over to our table. She wants to hang out more then she can hang out with all of us. She walks up to us.

H: Sit with us.

Cl: Is that okay with everyone?

H: It should be. We aren't going to let you sit all alone.

Cl: So I can sit here?

H: Yes Cleo, you can sit here.

She smiles and sits down. I look at Josie and she smiles at me. We all go back to eating our food.

Josie's POV

After eating my food, I got up and took care of my trash. I walked back over to Hope and whispered in her ear that I was going to the library. She gave me a confused look and I shrugged. I walked away from the group and went to the library. I had to find a solution to this.

A couple hours went by of researching and I felt arms wrap around my waist while I was getting another book.

J: Hopey.

H: Seriously?

I smiled and Hope unwraps herself. I turned around with a book in my hands and sat down at the table I was sitting at. Hope sat down next to me.

H: I thought we said we'd stop talking or thinking about it.

J: You're the only one who said something like that. I just want to be ready for the future.

H: Josie, we have time to figure this out.

J: I just want to figure this out and be prepared for it just in case if it comes tomorrow or the next day and then break is ruined for us.

H: We have at least 5-6 days left of break and you want to spend it on researching on how to make people stop trying to kill me?

J: Not really but if we do face a fight then we need to be ready for it at any given moment.

H: What's really bothering you Josie?

J: I just want to be prepared that's all.

H: There's something much more deeper than that.

J: What if I lose you? We now know that red oak can kill you. I can't lose you Hope.

H: You won't lose me Jo. I promise.

J: You don't know that for certain.

H: Come here.

Hope pulls my chair closer to her chair and picks me up. She places me on her lap and I wrap my arms around her.

H: You won't lose me, I'll make sure of it. You have me for eternity and nothing will change that.

She kissed my cheek and we stayed in our position for the rest of the time. If I lose Hope I don't know what I would do.

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