Chapter 4- Absolute Darkness

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Hope's POV

It was a long night. I haven't left my room once. Everything was going good. Lizzie's plan could've worked. Maybe it wa- my thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock at my door. I stayed in bed, I didn't care for who it was. If they really needed me then they'd barg- Lizzie barged through my door.

H: Oh great, it's you.

I turned around and faced away from Lizzie. She apparently didn't care because then she was in front of me.

Li: So did the plan work?

H: I'm laying in bed miserable, do you think it worked?

Li: Maybe it was just a rough night.

H: You could say that.

Li: What happened?

H: The plan wasn't even a plan. She made up her own little plan and decided to just end things right then and there.

Li: She'll come crawling back.

I shook my head and Lizzie gave me a confused look. I snuggled further into my blanket and Lizzie threw the covers off of me.

H: Could you just leave me alone?

Li: You'll be late for class.

H: Oh well.

Li: She really put you down in the dumps.

H: Could you just go?

Li: Oh okay, if you need anything call me.

I gave her a tight lipped smile and she walked out of my room. I did a little spell and locked it. Now no one could come inside. Time to go back to bed.

Josie's POV

We are now finally at lunch. I haven't seen Hope anywhere. Not that I've been looking for her. I basically just ended all communication with her. Why you may ask. Well I'm tired of whatever game she was trying to play. Lizzie walked up and sat down. She seemed angry.

Li: You wanna tell me exactly what happened last night.

J: What do you mean?

Li: Hope asks you out, to go to a dance, something she would probably never do and then the next day you end everything. Literally, that's low.

J: I got tired of her games, it's as easy as that.

Li: She may have made tons of bad mistakes that not even Penelope would do but Hope would always own up to it and make up for it. Now she has herself locked in her room.

J: We can't always be stuck on the same people.

Li: Does the whole school know?

J: Know what?

Li: Your little act you put on yesterday.

J: Act?

Li: This.

Lizzie showed me her phone. Somebody got the whole argument on tape. Who in the world would do this. I looked at Lizzie and she shrugged.

Li: You my dear sister have some explaining to do.

J: I don't have to explain anything to you. I ended things with Hope, so what? She'll find someone else to go out with. She always does.

Li: Or she'll just leave.

J: She'd be able to finish her unfinished business.

Lizzie shook her head. She took her phone back and shoved it in her pocket.

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