Chapter 10- The Beginning Of A New Relationship

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Josie's POV

I finally got back to the dance. Someone was standing on a stage and by someone I mean Lizzie. She was in a mask and everything but you can clearly tell that it's her by how she stands.

Li: Alright everyone, this song is for all your dance partners. Grab your soulmate or who you think is your soulmate and dance with them. Just stay away from Mg. Thank you and have a good night.

Everyone grabbed their partner, ready to dance. I was looking for Hope but I couldn't find her. I stood in the middle of the dance floor and a light shined on me. I seen Hope walk up to me.

H: There you are.

The light faded away and I smiled. Hope and I danced again and it was amazing. Tonight was amazing.

H: You look absolutely stunning tonight.

J: Thank you but I'm literally just in your clothes.

H: You still look good. You always look good.

J: Thank you.

A blush crept up on my cheeks. My smile widened and Hope twirled me around. We danced some more and then the music started to fade. Which means it was now over.

H: Let's get out of here.

J: And go where?

H: I guess we'll just have to see.

Hope shrugged and I chuckled. We walked out of the dance and walked outside of the school. Where could we be going? Why does it feel like we're walking so far away?

Hope's POV

We finally got to the Old Mill. Not the perfect place to ask her but there's more to this. The Old Mill had beautiful lighting. Thanks to Mg, he helped and I'm so happy with how well this came out.

J: Who did this?

H: I did. It's for us.

J: Well you were with me for most the day so how did you do this?

H: Well I had Mg set this all up but I promise the idea was all mine.

Josie nods and she smiles. I smile at her and she looks at me.

J: This is beautiful.

H: Thank you. Shall we dance?

J: To no music?

H: It'll be fun, come on.

J: Fine.

We danced and danced and danced. I spun her around a few times. Now I just have to ask the very important question. But right now let's just enjoy with what's going on now. I can ask later at the very last thing.

At A Restaurant

We walked into the restaurant after our little hangout at the Old Mill. The manager took us to a very excluded spot. I thanked him and he walked off.

We've been talking and talking. Just little conversations every now and then. I decided it'd finally be time so I stand up.

Josie's POV

Hope stood up. I gave her a confused look and she gets down on one knee. Everyone is looking our way. I thought this was supposed to be an excluded spot? I guess not. Hope started to say something while reaching into her pocket.

H: This isn't a proposal or anything considering we're still in school and we still have some things we need to work on but...

She paused and took out a tiny box. She opened the tiny box and looked at me.

H: Would you do me the favor and be my girlfriend?

I smiled and nodded vigorously (idk if I'm using that correctly). She stood up and I also stood up. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck. She placed her hands on my waist.

J: I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend.

H: Oh thank god.

We both chuckled a tiny bit and kissed. There were a couple claps in the distance and a lot of people cheering. Hope pulled away and I rested my forehead against hers. Hope put the promise ring on my finger.

J: Where did all these people come from?

H: I have no idea but for now, let's pretend they aren't there and we can dance to a slow song that's coming up.

J: I would love that.

H: Me too.

We kissed once more and a slow song started playing. It was weird to dance around in public but as long as I did with her then I'm okay.

Back At The School

After a long night, we went back to the school. Everyone was probably in bed but who knows. I don't think Dorian kept up with the curfew.

Hope opened the door and I walked in. Hope walked in after me and all the lights flicked on. The whole school was basically standing there with huge smiles on their faces.

H: She said yes guys.

Everyone cheered until Lizzie walked in front of them. She crossed her arms and everyone went quiet.

Li: So when's the wedding?

H: I told you this wasn't for a wedding Lizzie.

Li: Oh I know, I'm just asking when you'll ask her to marry you.

H: Well that's a weird way to ask something. I don't know when.

Li: Let's party then.

Everyone cheered once again and I looked over at Hope. She shrugged and I raised an eyebrow. She smiled and held my hand.

H: We'll talk about this later, I promise.

J: Okay, I'll be right back. I have to talk to Mg.

H: Okay, take your time and enjoy the party.

I nod and walked up to Mg. Everyone else was drinking and dancing. Mg smiled at me and hugged me.

Mg: I know you aren't getting married, not yet anyways but I wanted to throw a party for you and Hope becoming girlfriends again.

J: So this was your idea?

Mg: Somewhat, half of it was Lizzie's but I helped.

J: Mhm okay, did you know about Hope's plan?

Mg: Yeah, she wanted to make sure things were perfect even if you guys are in very comfortable clothing.

J: How long did this take?

Mg: The whole time she was here.

J: But she didn't have her memories, she recently just got them all back.

Mg: She was still very much in love with you. Not even memories could take away your guys love for each other.

I smiled at Mg and Finch walked up to us with Jade next to her. They've been a thing for awhile apparently. I'm happy for them, they look good together. For the most part of course.

Fi: So congrats on the girlfriend.

J: Uh thanks. I think.

Ja: Yeah, Hope seems like a very wonderful person.

J: She is.

I look over at Hope and see her looking at me. I smiled and she waved. I waved back at her and she looked away and continued talking with Kaleb and Lizzie. Hope is definitely my person and I think she always will be.

Author's Note:
They're officially together, you guys are welcome. now it's time to ruin it 👹. i'm just kidding guys, i wouldn't do that unless i really needed drama but it seems like there's enough drama so far. I'm giving the whole drama thing a break. Hope still has that whole unfinished business thing. Which she'll continue in like 3 chapters.

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