Chapter 17- Adventures and Full Moons

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Author's Note: So I did reread Troubled Memories since this is basically a second book of it and after reading it, I remembered Josie is half a wolf and siphoner. So basically all this chapter will be about is them getting ready to transition and what not. At the end of the chapter will probably just be after so prepare for this to be a short and simple chapter. Also I just want to say that this might be the final chapter to this series. I'll explain later when this chapter is done. For now I hope you guys enjoy reading this. Just kidding, I went back and read the last chapter and they're going on a double date and then it'll be transitioning and then a nice little camp fire to end it off.

Josie's POV

It was in the middle of the day. Hope was in the kitchen. She wanted to get snacks. I had to keep researching how to keep her alive. I know she's the most powerful but now that we know what can really kill her it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Li: My dearest sister.

I turned around and saw Lizzie. I smiled and Mg and Hope came up to us.

H: So I heard there's this really cool museum and I think we should go.

Li: Also I just checked and there will be a full moon so we have about 10 hours to do whatever we want until we have to lock you guys down in the transition cells.

J: Don't forget Jed.

Li: Jed is with family. You and Hope are the only wolves here.

H: Full moons suck.

Li: Well you're a tribrid so you can basically deny the moon but Josie cannot so let's all get ready for the day.

Mg: What should we wear?

Li: Something casual of course. Also bring Kaleb and Cleo. They'd be perfect for each other and we should set them up.

Mg: I like the idea. Let's go get ready.

I stood up and we all went back to our own rooms. Hope had to talk to Cleo about if she wanted to actually come and what not. Hopefully she does, I wouldn't want her to be left out.

After getting ready Lizzie looked at her watch that she recently just got thanks to Mg. She frowned a little bit and looked at me.

Li: You break your bones in 9 hours and 30 minutes.

J: Stop worrying and let's enjoy today.

Li: Right. Okay well let's go and see-

There was a knock on the door. Lizzie opened it and Mg smiled at her.

Mg: Hope and Cleo are in their room.

H: Actually we are right here.

I looked at Hope who was standing slightly behind Mg. I smiled and she smiled at me. We all walked down to the main floor of the school and saw Kaleb. He was ready to go on this slight adventure.

Ka: So let's get going before the power couple has to break their bones.

We all smiled and got into a car that can hold all of us. Lizzie and Mg sat together. Kaleb and Cleo got front seats. Hope and I were in the very back. Hopefully we can have fun and forget about the whole bones breaking for a little while.

Hope's POV

We finally arrived at the museum. We all walked in and looked around. It was quite peaceful. Kaleb and Cleo were enjoying themselves and so was Mg and Lizzie. I saw Josie look a familiar painting from back in New Orleans. I walk up to her and she looked at me.

J: This is amazing.

H: It smells of faint blood and it looks like an original painting piece done by someone who isn't exactly the artist at an interest. but yes I say it's very amazing.

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