Chapter 5- Rainy Night

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Josie's POV

I was alone at the docks. I wanted to be alone. I was right, Hope did find a new date. Maybe it was to make me jealous but overall I just felt more heartbroken. I can't believe I did it again. I fell for her lies. This really was just a game to her.

Hope's POV

I finally got to the docks. I seen Josie sitting by the water. I frowned and walked up to her. I sat down and looked at her. She seemed so sad. I went to hold her hand but decided against it. I decided to break the silence.

H: Josie, can we talk?

J: I don't have time for anymore games.

H: I'm being serious, more serious than I have ever been in my life.

It started to rain. Josie looked down into the water. I looked at her hand and held it. I looked at Josie and told her the whole truth.

H: I really do love you. I always have and I always will. We belong together Josie. I know you think I'm just playing you but I'm not. I didn't even want to go to the dance with Maya. Lizzie actually came up with the idea. I didn't even agree to it.

Josie seemed like she ignored everything I said but her head perked up at the name of Lizzie. She looked at me and I decided to keep going with my speech. This was probably really pointless but I need to get it off my chest.

H: And I know this probably means nothing to you now but I'll always fight for you. That's all I've been trying to do but it seems like everything is trying to break us up or apart. I've never played games with you and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. You are my person Jo. You will always be my person.

I took a deep breath in and stood up. Maybe I should leave. Maybe I should stay. Maybe I should give her more space. I don't know but I'll do whatever she asks me to do. I don't want her to feel like she isn't worthy of love.

H: I love you, Always and Forever. Even if you move on, I will forever be in love with you. I'll see you tomorrow Josie.

I began my walk back to the school. The rain was full on pouring now. I just hope Josie doesn't stay out here long.

Josie's POV

After Hope's speech, she was walking back to the school. I stood up, maybe we are destined to be together after tonight. Hope has always been my person too. I don't think I'll ever be able to move on. I should stop her from going back to the school. I turned around.

J: Hope!

She turned around and stopped walking. I ran up to her and quickly hugged her. She hesitated on hugging back but she eventually did. I pulled away from the hug and held her hands.

J: You're my person too. You've always been my person and I see that now.

She smiled and I kissed her. It was passionate, it was better than all the other kisses we've shared. She took her hands and placed them on my waist. I placed my hands on her jawline. (Basically how she kissed Finch in season 3. I really hope I don't have to put a photo to show it).

Hope pulled away from the kiss and I looked into her pretty blue eyes. I could get lost in them forever. We kissed once more. It was same as the last kiss we shared. I pulled away after a minute.

J: I love you too.

H: Don't say too, it just sounds like you're agreeing with me.

I smiled a tiny bit.

J: I love you Hope Mikaelson.

H: I love you Josie Saltzman.

We kissed again. It was short but we were also getting soaked by the rain. Tonight was beautiful; for the most part. We walked back to the school, hand in hand. I seen Maya was leaving. I looked down and then Hope stopped walking.

H: She'll be fine. Don't worry about it. I chose you, not her. I will always choose you.

I looked at Hope and smiled. We walked inside the school and went to my room. We stopped in front of my door and I looked at Hope.

H: Goodnight Josie.

J: Goodnight Hope, I'll see you tomorrow.

H: You too my love.

We shared a small little kiss and then a door opened. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around to face them. I seen Lizzie there with her arms crossed.

H: That's my cue to leave.

J: Yeah, probably. Goodnight.

H: Yeah you too.

Hope quickly left. Lizzie laughed and I gave her a confused look. She stopped laughing and pulled me inside our room.

Li: Tell me everything.

J: In a minute, I need to get out of these wet clothes.

Li: Of course and then after you'll be telling me all about it.

I nod and smiled at Lizzie. I grabbed dry clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a nice warm shower and got ready for bed. Hope is one romantic girl, even if it wasn't entirely romantic. I found it really cute. We belong together, Always and Forever.

Author's Note: What'd I tell you guys? I told you I'd get hosie together soon. I know it was a lot on the sooner side but I couldn't keep up with all the drama. Also I know they aren't officially together but it's something. No guys there was no lights exploding and there was definitely no fireworks and whatever. Only reason I'm saying that is because earlier I was trying to describe the kiss but I didn't exactly know how to describe it. So I just put Finch and Josie's kiss as an example. Now will there still be more complications? Probably. I'm not to sure yet. Also this chapter is pretty short but I didn't want to move on from the cute moment they just shared. Not until the next chapter of course. The next chapter will be on what happens at the dance. It'll have it's cute moments, bad moments, you know the usual. I hope you guys are enjoying this though. If not then you should totally tell me what needs to be changed. What you think should've happened. You know just give me your feedback. I'd literally appreciate it so much. Anyways see you guys in the next chapter :).

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