Chapter 7- Dancing Or Drama?

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Josie's POV

I told Lizzie everything that happened tonight. She seemed a little disappointed but she was also really happy. I think, she's making to many facial expressions for me to know her exact mood.

J: So?

Li: So, it was pretty cute I will admit but she didn't ask you to go on a date or anything.

J: No, she didn't but that's besides the point.

Li: So when do you think she's going to ask you?

J: I don't know, we're just taking things slow.

Li: Saying I love you and kissing in the rain isn't taking anything slow.

J: Okay so we are taking things semi slow.

Li: You guys are going at a steady pace. You guys did date so you guys don't need to take everything slow. You guys have done so many things together.

J: I just don't want anything to get messed up.

Li: Just be yourself, that's enough to keep Hope totally and utterly in love with you.

I smiled and we went to sleep. I just hope nothing bad happens tomorrow night. If I'm even going to the dance anymore.

Next Morning

I woke up and heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door. A student was at my door and he handed me flowers.

?: Somebody told me to give these to you.

I thanked him and he walked off. I closed my door and placed the flowers down on my desk. Lizzie sat up and quickly stood up on her feet.

Li: Who sent those?

J: No idea but I have to get ready for class.

Li: Well check and see. I'm sure there's a note or something.

J: I will after I get ready.

I grabbed clothes and went to go take a shower. Knowing Lizzie she's probably checking those flowers for some note.

Lizzie's POV

I shouldn't do this but I'm going to. I walked over to the flowers and seen a note in the middle of them. I smiled and looked at the note. It was from Hope. I think I know what she's going to do.

Hope's POV

The random kid that I compelled walked up to me. He told me that Josie did indeed got the flowers. He then walked off and I knew my plan was going to work. This will be a redo of asking her to the dance.

It was now time for breakfast. I walked inside and seen Josie sitting with Finch and Jade. I smiled and walked over to my own table. The one with Mg and Kaleb. They normally talk about comics but today it seems like they're talking about video games.

Mg: Oh hey Hope.

H: Good morning Mg and Kaleb of course.

Kaleb smiled and we ate our food. Mg continued to talk about video games. Kaleb kept trying to change the subject. Lizzie sat down by Mg and they were being all cute.

Li: So Hope what's your plan to asking Josie to the dance?

H: Who said I had a plan?

Li: Those flowers you sent this morning to her room kinda gave it away. What's your plan?

H: I don't know what your talking about.

Li: Are you going to skip class with her?

H: Risk her mom and dad getting mad at me? Yeah no. That'd be dangerous.

Li: Are you going to ask her in class?

H: Have one of the teachers upset with me? No thank you.

Li: Then what are you going to do?

H: I'm going to class and then I'm going back to my room.

Li: Why are you pretending last night didn't happen?

Mg and Kaleb looked at each other, then looked at Lizzie and then looked at me. I looked down at my tray and smiled. I'm not pretending it didn't happen, I'm just pretending I didn't have a plan to ask her out to the dance. There's no wrong in that.

Mg: What happened last night?

Ka: Yeah what happened Hope? You finally got
some kitty?

I looked at Kaleb and he shrugged.

H: Kitty? That's a weird way of saying it but no I didn't.

Mg: Then what happened?

H: Josie and I are on good terms.

Ka: Does that mean the squad is getting back together?

H: I have no idea, I didn't even know we were all splitting away from each other until now.

Mg and Kaleb looked down at their trays and I looked at Lizzie. She shrugged and we all finished our food. After eating I took care of everything and went to set something up.

Josie's POV

Breakfast was now done with. Finch and I were walking in the halls until someone ran into me. They dropped a piece of paper and kept walking. I picked it up and looked around and they were gone.

J: That was weird.

Fi: Maybe they were nervous after seeing how hot you are.

J: Finch.

Fi: Sorry that was out of pocket. I'm sorry.

J: It's fine, just don't do it ever again.

We finally got to class and I still had the piece of paper. It had my name written on it in bold letters. I unfolded the note and I quickly folded it. I asked to use the bathroom and the teacher let me go.

I went to my room and completely skipped the bathroom. I unfolded the paper and it read "Stay away from Hope or else." I placed the paper down and went to class. This just got 100 times more intense.

Hope's POV

It was finally time to ask Josie to the dance. I just don't know exactly what she'll say. I mean I hope she says yes. If not then that's fine too. The first couple of classes were done with. I seen Josie in her locker and I walked up to her.

H: Hello beautiful.

J: Hey Hope.

H: Could you come with me?

J: This is probably a bad idea but yeah sure.

I give her a confused look and she shut her locker. We went to her room and Lizzie was holding up a piece of paper.

Li: So dearest sister what is this?

J: I don't know. Someone dropped it when they ran into me. I was going to give it back but they disappeared.

Li: So somebody wants you to stay away from Hope?

Josie shrugged and I gave them both a confused look.

H: What am I missing?

J: Somebody basically threatened me to stay away from you.

H: Okay well I'll just leave then.

Josie shook her head. She shut her door and I stood there.

J: I'm not letting anyone come between us ever again. We'll figure something out, we always do.

Li: Okay enough cute stuff, let's figure out who did this.

We all nod and smiled. I excused myself and went to someone's house. I think I know who's behind this. They'll pay for this, that's for sure.

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