Chapter 13- Date Nights and Danger

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Josie's POV

Hope has planned something, I don't know what it is but I'm pretty sure we're going to the thing that the one guy gave us tickets too. I'm not too sure, Hope tends to surprise you whenever she can. There was a knock on my door. I opened it and seen Hope with flowers.

H: Are you ready?

J: Yes, so where are we going?

H: Hopefully somewhere good.

J: What do you mean?

H: I told Kaleb to set everything up and I even told him to pick a random spot that he'd think would look good.

J: So it's a surprise for the both of us?

H: Yep, I just hope it's good.

J: With Kaleb planning it, I'm sure it's good. He seems like a very romantic guy.

Hope laughs and I raise an eyebrow. She shakes her head and pretends like nothing happened. Kaleb came up to us and opened the front door.

Ka: Right this way m'ladys.

H: Thank you Kaleb. I owe you one.

Ka: You're right, you do.

Kaleb grins and we walk out. He follows us and stops us before we could go down the stairs.

Ka: Follow the flower petals, I'll meet you guys at the best romantic spot in history.

We nod and he vamps off into the distance. We began our long journey to wherever he wanted us to meet him at. I just hope it doesn't involve any monsters.

Lizzie's POV

It was dark and cold. I could hear Mg trying to break free from wherever we are. Some guy comes up to us and he smirks.

Gr: Hi I'm Grizzle and I'm here to bring Hope Mikaelson down.

Li: Well geez seems like you're a little late. She's already the most powerful being ever so you might as well as sit down and relax and don't worry about her.

Gr: You seem rather calm.

Li: I'm not, I'm just trying to not get on the wrong foot here because I'd rather make it to my vacation in one piece thank you very much.

Mg: He's probably going to kill us.

Gr: No you guys will just be bait.

Li: We're literally in florida.

Gr: Actually you're in a small town called Mystic Falls under the Mystic Grill. You know the place, I'm sure of it. It blew up one night because of a gas leak, remember? I'm sure aunt Elena and uncle Damon has told you all about it.

Li: How do you know them?

Gr: Damon is my father, believe it or not.

Li: But they only have Stephanie.

Grizzle laughed a good and scary laugh. I look at Mg and he looked like he's been beaten.

Gr: You're funny.

Li: I'm being serious.

Gr: There's this thing called adoption, Elena knows all about it.

Li: Could you shut up? You're quite annoying.

Gr: You're so lucky that I need you for my plan to work or I swear I would've already killed you. Actually that reminds me...

He smirks and I raise an eyebrow.

Gr: You've completed your transition. Good luck on having those Gemini twins that are so destined to be part of your life in the future.

Li: Josie and I have to do the merge to even have a future like that.

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