Chapter 9- Disaster? Or Just The Beginning?

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Hope's POV

Classes were over and Josie and Lizzie went to their room to get ready. I went with Mg to his room. He wanted to know which suit Lizzie would be happy with. We were in his room.

Mg: This one or this one?

He held up a black one and then a blue one. I shrugged and he let his arms fall down to his side. I didn't know which one she'd like best. I don't even know what outfit she was going to wear.

H: Okay well what color is her outfit?

J: White is her color by the way and Mg go for the blue one.

I turned around and seen Josie standing by the doorway. She had her arms crossed and she was leaning on the doorway. I mouthed thank you to her and she smiled. Mg thanked her and Josie turned around and walked away.

Mg: Chase after her.

H: Why?

Mg: To try to get the color of her outfit.

H: Oh right. Okay yeah I'll be back.

I caught up with Josie and she kept walking.

H: What color are you wearing tonight.

J: It'll be a surprise. Try to match it.

H: Uhm I'm sorry, what?

J: Yeah, you got this. I believe in you.

I stopped walking and Josie went to her room. I need Mg's help with this. Or maybe Kaleb? But then that'd be suspicious. Finch, perfect. I knocked on Finch's door and she opened it.

Fi: What's up?

H: I need your help.

Fi: With what?

H: What color will Josie be wearing tonight?

Fi: Uh I don't know. I could go see and pretend to try to hang out with her.

H: Thank you, you'd be a lifesaver.

Fi: Yeah whatever don't mention it.

Finch closed her door and I went back to Mg's room. Mg and I talked and after a couple hours of talking someone knocked on his door. He opened it and Finch waved at me. I walked up to her.

H: So?

Fi: Josie says it'll be a surprise so I'm sorry I didn't get anywhere.

H: Don't worry about it. Thank you.

Fi: Yeah no problem.

Finch walked off with some girl. I went back to my room. I have to figure out what to wear. I went through my closet and found a good outfit. Someone barged into my room and I seen Lizzie standing there. Josie followed her in.

Li: Why is Mg wearing something formal?

H: Hmm? Oh uh he picked out suits. I don't know, why.

Li: He doesn't have to wear suits.

H: He just wanted to be perfect for you. He's a good gu-

Li: I know he is.

H: So then talk to him.

Li: Okay, Josie you stay here.

J: We are-

Li: I'll be back.

Lizzie left and Josie sat on my bed. I sat down next to her and held her hand.

J: So I say we skip the dance.

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