Chapter 15- Gossip

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Quick Authors Note: This chapter will probably be about Hope and Cleo getting closer. It'll also probably be short since I'm not one to talk about friendships like that. But I do find Cleo and Hope's friendship adorable, or even amazing. Lowkey makes me want a friendship like that.

Hope's POV

It was later that night. Cleo and I were hanging out. Josie was hanging out with Lizzie. Or that's what she told me. I know she's worried but she has nothing to be worried about. I have amazing friends who'll help me. I'm even the strongest supernatural there is so nobody can actually kill me unless they're asking for a death sentence.

Cl: So what's first?

H: How about a couple of movies and then we can gossip about who you'd choose out of all the boys.

Cl: Are you just trying to find out who I like?

H: Maybe a little bit but it'll give us some girl time. Since it's been awhile. Plus it's break. Nothing wrong could happen on break.

Cl: Actually a thousand things can go wrong.

H: Way to be optimistic.

Cl: Actually how are you and Josie? I heard your guys argument this morning.

H: It was nothing. She was just worried that's all.

Cl: About?

H: Everything that happened last night. She's afraid that one day she'll lose me because of people want me dead.

Cl: Oh yeah. Last night was a little crazy. She has a right to be worried. You never know what danger you'll be up against one day.

H: She doesn't have to be worried. She won't lose me. I'll make sure of that. I'd never leave Josie, not unless... it doesn't matter.

Cl: Unless you were put in a decision to protect her and keep her safe.

H: How'd you know?

Cl: I understand how you feel.

H: Really?

Cl: Yeah. I put myself in a position to keep my village safe.

H: Tell me the story.

Cleo told me her story. Everything about it and it was quite sad. I understand her pain though. People go through the most toughest shit and still find a way to live on. It shows their strength.

Cl: What about your story?

H: My story? You wouldn't want to hear about it.

Cl: No please go on. This is a good way for us to get to know each other.

H: People tried to kill me ever since I was in my moms womb. My parents did everything to keep me safe, they even faked my own death.

Cl: They faked your death?

I nod and she gives the most confused look I have ever seen from anyone.

H: A lot of people wanted me dead apparently and it was all because my father was an evil guy. Probably as evil as evil could get, maybe even worse. He finally got his redemption because of me as some others say it but I was basically the reason for his death. Even my moms death.

Cl: How so?

H: I kidnapped my own mom so I could finally see my dad. Mostly because he wasn't picking up any calls from me. Then this vampire, Rowan followed some guy that I had sired to me and he took my mothers coffin and he then kidnapped me and it was all my fault for my moms death.

Cl: What about your fathers? How is his death all your fault?

H: He sacrificed himself for me, all because the hollow wanted my power since I'm really the only one of my kind. So if I was to never be born than maybe they'd be alive to this day and they wouldn't have to worry about protecting my life from when I wasn't even born yet.

Cl: Hope, they were parents. They were protecting you, it's what parents do. You can't hold yourself accountable for their deaths.

H: Thank you Cleo.

Cl: Don't thank me Hope, we're friends. That's what friends are for.

I smiled at Cleo and she smiled back.

H: So what about that movie?

Cl: Sure, let's watch a movie.

I got up and picked up my laptop. I sat back down next to Cleo and we watched "The Notebook." It was an amazing movie.

After the movie, I closed my laptop and I stood up. Cleo gave me a confused look.

H: Who has been on your mind lately?

Cl: Kaleb.

H: He's a romantic by the way. He'd treat you right.

Cl: Yeah but Jed is kind of a cutie.

H: He's not so smart when it comes to planning things.

Cl: You aren't so wrong about that one.

We laughed and I plugged my laptop in. I sat down at me desk and Cleo asked a question.

Cl: Who was your very first friend here?

H: Friends?

Cl: Yeah?

H: When I first came here I didn't have very many friends. I always kept to myself.

Cl: Is it because it was right around the time of your parents deaths?

H: No, my dad was just always gone. And at the time I was being introduced as "Hope Marshall" so people didn't have to associate me with Klaus, the so called great evil.

Cl: And now you go by Hope Mikaelson?

H: I decided to own the part of me that was like my father. Even if it meant pushing people away.

Cleo nods and I frown thinking back into the past. I was a complete loner and now I'm friends with Mg, Kaleb, Lizzie, Jed and Cleo. I even have a girlfriend. It's weird thinking on it now. The past, now the future. It's all just weird but I'm happy with how far I've come. I'm happy with the friend group I have. They're like family.

H: Do you think Kaleb will ever make the first move?

Cl: No, he's always just been a flirt and nothing more so it makes me feel like he has something up his sleeves.

H: Knowing him, he probably does.

We talked some more about Kaleb. You could tell that Cleo truly liked the guy. After awhile of talking Cleo went to bed. I laid in bed and just stared up at my ceiling, waiting for time to pass by.

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