Chapter 2- Don't Say It

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Hope's POV

I was thinking of ways to ask Josie to go to the dance. There has been some rumors that Jed asked her. Maybe I should ask her who she's going with? I'm not to sure.

After awhile of thinking, I knocked on her door. It can't be that hard to just ask a simple question. If she's not going with anybody else then I'll plan something to ask her. Josie opened the door and ran her hand through her hair.

H: Hey uh did I wake you?

J: No, but what's up?

H: Look I really am-

J: Don't say it.

H: Say what?

J: Don't say sorry.

H: I was just tryin-

J: I know what you were trying to do.

H: What do you mean?

J: You apologize and then you end up doing something else that could possibly upset me or ruin things.

H: Oh I uh I'm-

J: Please stop. You always do this.

H: What do you mean?

J: We get to where things are good, like really good between us and then everything comes crashing down.

H: Can I please just talk? I swear I don't mean to do it on purpose. I just think that you could do so much better.

J: Do so much better? What's that supposed to mean?

H: You need someone who'll actually love you and protect you. I'm obviously hurting you so much to the point where you have to tell me not to apologize anymore. I want you to go be with Jed.

Josie rolled her eyes. Why is she rolling her eyes? Did I say something wrong? I mean I'm right, I ruined her life. She goes through so much pain because of me.

J: Is this what that's about? Rumors of Jed asking me to some dance that I probably wouldn't go to?

H: No, not at all. I can't control you.

J: Yet you were just telling me to go be with Jed!

H: Because you deserve better! I can't love you anymore. I put you through pain Josie so just stop trying to find the good in me!

There was sort of a crowd. Josie shook her head and I looked down. That was a very bad choice of words. Goddamnit Hope, just shut your goddamn mouth.

J: Is that really how you feel?

H: No, I just- I don't know. I didn't mean to say that.

J: Maybe I will go with Jed.

My heart broke right then and there. I can't believe what just happened. Jed is better for her though. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

J: I think you should leave.

H: Josie plea-

J: Not now Hope. I don't have time for this right now.

She closed the door and I sighed. I looked around and everyone ran off. Lizzie came up to me and shook her head. Great now I have the disappointed sister card. Lizzie went inside and Mg followed after her. He wouldn't even look at me. I need to get that dance with Josie.

Josie's POV

Lizzie and Mg walked inside the room. I smiled at them and they hugged me. I broke down crying. She says things and doesn't mean them. Then she does things and it's like she cares. Her words don't match her actions.

Li: What happened?

J: Hope basically just told me to give up on her.

Li: Oh my god, that bitch.

J: Lizzie!

Li: Hope started it.

Lizzie crossed her arms and I smiled. Mg chuckled a little bit and then there was a knock on the door. Mg opened it and Jed was standing there.

Je: I'm gay.

J: Congrats Jed.

Je: I also already have a date to the dance.

I nod and he frowns. I give him a confused look and he hugs me.

Je: I think you and Hope should get back together.

J: Why?

Je: She loves you, she may never show it but when was the last time she showed anyone love.

J: The night of her birthday dinner.

Je: I just think Hope doesn't know what to do with such strong feelings. She's literally always had to be some tough girl that had no problems. She's just scared to let people see.

J: You and Hope barely talk, how do you know so much about her?

Je: I eavesdrop on her conversations with Emma.

J: You should probably stop doing that.

He shrugs and we all just talk and laugh. It's been awhile since one of the dinners. I really wish everything didn't go to shit.

Time passes by

It was now dinner, everything was alright now. I walked out of my room and walked to the cafeteria. I didn't see Hope anywhere. Everybody looked at me, well mostly looked behind me. I turned around and seen Hope standing there with flowers.

H: I know what I did was wrong but I just want you to know.

Hope walked a little closer to me. I backed up a little bit. I obviously shouldn't be so close to her.

H: Would you like to go to the dance with me?

She handed me a piece of paper. I opened it up and it said 'say yes and in private you can completely change your mind."

I smiled and looked at Hope. I nod and she smiled. She hugged me and I hugged back. Everyone clapped and cheered. Hope backed off and we all celebrated everything that happened. Something tells me that tonight might be crazy.

Author's Note: I know it's short but there's not much I could do. I always get a boost of energy to write when I am exhausted. I hope you guys are enjoying this though. Writing this has been some fun.

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