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Sanyukta went to Harsh's office that evening and sat down in front of him. Her eyes were swollen, because she had spent the last day imagining what would become of her children when they grew up... the President was right, they did deserve a father's love, but was it right to burden Randhir with that responsibility?

"I just came to ask you something?" Sanyukta asked Harsh.

Harsh nodded, giving her permission to ask him.

"Why did you give me the successor position?" she asked. "Do you really think I'm capable enough to lead the country?"

Harsh took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat.

"Yes I do think you're capable enough... but that was not the reason I was going to give it to you," Harsh admitted. "I was initially going to give it to Randhir, because Rehaan was misbehaving too much. He didn't show me that he had it in him to lead the country. Randhir was thinking in the broad spectrum, whereas Rehaan had too many selfish qualities."

"Then why me?" Sanyukta asked.

"Randhir knew I was going to give it to him... I guess he got a feeling, so the night before the elections, he came to me and requested for me to give it to you, because we would be the first party acknowledging women rights... it would be strong in our favour," Harsh said. "We would win these elections, then four years later, if I didn't want to give it to you, I would just pass it on to him."

"Oh," Sanyukta squeaked.

"I know I have been really mean to you... especially when it was leading to your marriage with Rehaan. I didn't do that because you were a woman, but because you betrayed us," Harsh said. "If you were my daughter, I would let you choose your life partner. In these last three years, although we haven't talked much, I saw how everyone grew fond of you... Parth, Rehaan, even Randhir. You have changed them for the better. I do consider you my daughter now, from my heart... if you could change these three stubborn men, then I know that you will have no problem changing the nation for the better."

Tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Really?" she asked him as if she was in disbelief.

"Really," Harsh said, sounding serious. "I really respect all that you've done for the family. You came here with not so positive intentions, but you stayed here and you helped us all."

Sanyukta couldn't help it - she broke down into tears... she had never been praised by her own father as much as she had been praised by Harsh today.


Sanyukta went to Randhir's room later that night, deciding that she would need to speak to him before she made a decision. She closed the door gently behind her upon entering and saw that Randhir was playing with Vidya. Her daughter was jumping on the bed and hitting Randhir on the head. The sight automatically lit her eyes up.

"Mummaa!" Vidya screamed and ran towards Sanyukta.

Sanyukta ran towards her daughter so she wouldn't fall off the bed and caught her in her arms.

Vidya then reached over and kissed Sanyukta's cheek, making her smile.

"Yay, mumma gets a kiss today," Sanyukta said happily and sat on the bed with Vidya on her lap.

Randhir smiled, happy to see that Sanyukta was smiling.

"Kissssy!" Vidya then said as if she was demanding a kiss.

Sanyukta kissed Vidya on the cheek. The eighteen month old then got off Sanyukta's lap and fell into Randhir's.

"Kissssy!" Vidya demanded again.

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