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"Fasterrrr," Randhir slurred as Vidhushi drove.

"There's so much traffic, I'm trying," Vidhushi said, in tears as well, because she knew how much Randhir was hurting. "Randhir if my dad finds out I took the car, he'll kill me. He hates that I drive. So please be patient with me."

Randhir rolled his head to the side and leaned against the window.

"What do I do?" Randhir asked.

"I don't know," Vidhushi said. "But we'll do something."

"Dad won't listen to me now," Randhir slurred. "Rehaan won't back off no matter what I do. I need to take her and run."

Vidhushi smiled.

"Then you do that," she told him. "You take her far, far away where nobody will be able to bother you two."

"She broke my trust and my heart," Randhir slurred. "I told her I loved her and then she broke my heart."

"Maybe she was helpless," Vidhushi replied.

"I can't trust her," Randhir slurred. "I can't at all. But I can't let her marry him... why did I leave her... what am I doing... and if she gets married and spends the night with Rehaan... I will go insane. I really will kill myself."

Vidhushi finally pulled into his mansion and rolled down the window to tell the guard it was her. The guard let her in and she parked on the driveway. Randhir got out of the car and Vidhushi helped him as he stumbled towards the wedding.

"Please, please do something," Vidhushi begged to the sky. "Somehow stop this wedding. I can't see Randhir like this."


They said to be careful what you wished for. Sanyukta wished she didn't have to leave this house or Randhir, and now that she didn't have to... she was more miserable than perhaps she would have been if she left. Her wish came true in a way different from what she had expected.

Vidhushi also made a wish for Randhir... but it was not the time to fulfill her wish.

As soon as Randhir walked into the wedding, with Vidhushi running after him, he saw the sight in front of him and he fell to the ground. Parth looked up and saw Randhir against the entrance.

Sanyukta was lost in her own world, looking down hopelessly. Parth rushed towards Randhir and helped Vidhushi pick him up.

"Get him away from here," Parth said to Vidhushi. "It'll be harder for Sanyukta if he's here right now. Randhir will get himself hated by dad. We'll take him to his room."

"B - but the wedding," Vidhushi said, as if she was in a shock.

"It's too late. It's done. Rehaan just tied the mangalsutra," Parth explained. "Please, he's broken already. We'll take him upstairs before a scene is created."

Vidhushi nodded and Parth helped her take him upstairs to his room. Randhir just fell forward on the bed, blinking slowly, as if he was in a shock.

"I'm hallucinating right?" he asked painfully as Parth went back downstairs. "I... I am hallucinating right? I drank too much so I'm hallucinating? She didn't really marry Rehaan."

"Randhir, she did," Vidhushi whispered. "We were too late."

"No... she's mine. She's not Rehaan's. I can't let her be his. Never," Randhir said, in tears. "She's mine."

"Of course she's yours. You love her," Vidhushi said softly, caressing his hair. "But it's too late now."

"H - he's married to her," Randhir said, as if he was registering what was happening. "He's marrying her."

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