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Sanyukta tried hard to find her voice to say no, but while she was searching for it, Rehaan pushed her down on his bed.

Tears filled her eyes and she moved her face to the side before Rehaan could touch her lips.

"Hey," he said, sounding frustrated.

"No, please," she told him weakly. "I don't want to kiss."

"If you don't know how to do it, it's okay," he urged.

"I... I just want to go to my room," she begged now, tears falling from her eyes.

He let go of her and she sat up, wiping away her tears.

"S - sorry I really just wanted to be friends. I don't have any other intentions," she squeaked.

Rehaan placed a hand on her shoulder, making her cringe again.

"I won't let you go without kissing me," he told her darkly, scaring her.

Then all of a sudden there was a knock on Rehaan's door.

"That bastard," Rehaan swore, assuming it to be Randhir.

"Rehaan!" Parth's voice said as he banged on the door.

"Oh," Rehaan mumbled and he went to open the door.

Parth walked in and winked at Sanyukta.

"I came to tell you I have to sleep in your room," Parth said.

"Why?" Rehaan asked, clearly irritated.

"Don't tell anyone but... I'm scared," he whispered.

Sanyukta smiled with relief. What she didn't know was that it was Randhir who sent Parth, indirectly rescuing her.


Rehaan's ego shot up when Parth chose him over Randhir, so he couldn't even reject his younger brother. Sanyukta walked out of the room without another word, her heart filled with warmth by Parth's action.

The teenage boy who seemed to care too much about looking cool, falsely admitted to being scared... for her?

As she was walking past Randhir's room into her own, she felt his hand grip her wrist and pull her into his room. He locked the door to his room and pinned her to the wall.

"I know I'm nobody to tell you this, but if you go there again, I swear he's going to rape you," Randhir hissed. "He's dangerous. Stay far away."

Sanyukta angrily pressed her lips together and struggled, but he held her tightly against the wall.

"So what?" she finally said, "If I get raped then it's my problem. Why do you care?"

"I... I don't," he said and then let go of her. "Fine. Go ahead. Get raped. I don't care. Just don't come crying to me after."

Sanyukta was about to unlock his door, when she turned around again and grabbed his shirt angrily.

"Don't touch me again. Don't talk to me again. Don't look at me again," she ordered.

"Then don't go near Rehaan again," he warned her.

Sanyukta pushed him back hard, tears filling her eyes.

"I'll kill you," she warned. "If you torture me, I'll kill you."

Then she charged at him again and started to punch his chest.

"Torture?" he asked.

"Yes... these feelings are torture," she sobbed, throwing punch after punch at his chest.

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