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Six months later, Sanyukta was in the kitchen, with Vidya standing on the ground beside her, holding onto the cloth of her sari. She was making a home remedy for Rehaan because he had the flu. After she was done, she carried the remedy, along with Vidya back upstairs to the bedroom.

She placed Vidya on the floor to stand as Sanyukta held the back of Rehaan's head gently, holding the spoon to his mouth. Rehaan took a sip of it and groggily placed his head in Sanyukta's lap.

"I know everything hurts," Sanyukta said. "But just bear it for a couple of days... you'll get better."

"You know I love you right?" he asked her, closing his eyes.

"I know," she replied smiling, and caressed his hair.

Rehaan took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it.

In the last six months, Rehaan hadn't treated her as anything less than a queen. He truly felt guilty for raising his hand on her, calling it a moment of weakness, and Sanyukta forgave him, truly believing that everyone deserved another chance... she also had a moment of weakness when she slept with Randhir after marriage. Randhir also had a moment of weakness when he forced himself on her. There were many moments of weaknesses, and you couldn't be strong during every phase of your life... some phases shook you, and because she understood this, she was able to give him a second chance without any bitter feelings in the way.

Sanyukta slowly finished feeding him the medication and got off the bed, picking Vidya up in her arms again and leaving the room.

"How is he?" Randhir asked, approaching her in the hallway.

"Better," Sanyukta said with a smile.

They shared a platonic relationship in the last six months - still great friends, but maintained a distance from each other, keeping their limits in mind.

Randhir hadn't seen Sanyukta as happy as she had been in the last six months in a long time. Rehaan treated her nicely, as he should have been for the last few years, and Sanyukta also was very accepting of him.

Vidya reached out to be held by Randhir. Randhir took his daughter in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"My baby," Randhir said happily, touching Vidya's chin.

Vidya smiled and excitedly said, "Papaaa!"

Although everything seemed normal now, these next few days were going to bring about greater heartbreak as secrets that had been well buried, came out into the open.


Sanyukta was with Randhir and Vidya in the living room a few days later, giggling about her cute antics, when all of a sudden she felt a strange sensation and rushed to the bathroom to throw up.

Randhir watched her go, feeling worried for her. She came back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and falling on the couch next to Randhir again.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, sounding concerned.

"I think I'm pregnant," she told Randhir nervously.

Randhir looked at her with shock and tears filled her eyes as she touched her belly gently.

"I need to find out," she told him, sounding scared.

"It's a good thing if you are, isn't it?" Randhir asked her. "Vidya will have a sibling."

"Yes I guess," she admitted.

"You can ask mom to take you to the doctor," Randhir told her.

Sanyukta nodded. She would do that.

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