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Harsh took the microphone from his son and glared at the crowd, as if he was disappointed that his country was reacting this way.

"I am disappointed in the citizens of this country. Do not forget that I still hold the President's chair today. The security guard has already escorted the one who did that out... and if anyone else acts in a distasteful manner, you will be escorted out as well. If you want to support the Padma's then you can go ahead and do so by voting. If you do not believe in empowering your mothers, sisters and daughters, then you may vote for the opposing party. As is your wish," Harsh said coolly.

Sanyukta looked at Harsh - he was a great speaker. Randhir took Vidya from Sanyukta and started to walk off the stage. Sanyukta followed him down and they took their respective seats, with Vidya still in Randhir's arms.

Rehaan didn't even look at Sanyukta... and she didn't know how to face him.

Randhir was smiling. He remembered the encounter with his father late last night.

-- Flashback:

"Dad," Randhir said, entering his father's office. "I need to talk to you about tomorrow's election."

"Randhir you'll know the result tomorrow," Harsh told him.

Randhir took a seat in front of his father's desk and smiled.

"I know I will. And I know you chose me," Randhir said, causing Harsh to look up with shock. "But I just came here to tell you that I want you to choose Sanyukta."

"Sanyukta?" Harsh asked, sounding like that was the most bizarre suggestion.

"Yes, Sanyukta," Randhir said. "Think about it - a lot of the public is opposed between you and Kishore Agarwal. There is a chance we may not win this time. What I'm saying is a big risk, but it will give you an edge. Imagine electing the first female president... and it would bring true change to the country!"

"But -" Harsh started.

"I know you don't want her... and you don't have to end up actually choosing her. Once you win this term, you can appoint me as President and say that you changed your mind," Randhir stated. "I'm telling you this because there is a high chance we may lose this time. Plus, if you decide to keep her, then you know that she's more than capable."

Randhir only knew why he was telling his father this. If Harsh backed out at the end of his term and chose Randhir, he would himself back out and give his seat to Sanyukta.

She would become a better President than he ever could.

"What if I was going to choose Rehaan?" Harsh asked.

"Then choose Rehaan at the end of your term. Your primary priority is to win these elections," Randhir informed. "Please don't waste this opportunity."

Harsh nodded.

"I'll think about it. You go to sleep," Harsh told Randhir.

Randhir smiled.

"You will win all the votes from women and this party will be remembered as the first one to address women rights," Randhir informed. "Don't lose this chance."

Then he walked out of the room, knowing that come what may, he would try his hardest to fulfill Sanyukta's dream.

Rehaan would drive the country to the ground, and Randhir could try to do what was best... but Sanyukta could truly bring a change to the nation. --

After the elections, Rehaan stormed out of the hall angrily, not sparing Sanyukta a single glance, and she watched him leave, a guilty expression on her face.

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