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Randhir caressed her hair as she poured her heart out to him, lying on his lap. She hadn't admitted all of this to even herself in the last two years. She let Rehaan use her body for his sexual satisfaction because that was what was expected from her as a wife.

"I always l - let him and t - trust me I'm n - not complaining," she sobbed. "It's okay. H - he can use me. It - it just hurts."

Then she sat up on the bed and Randhir reached out to wipe her tears away. As he was removing his hands from her cheeks, she grabbed one of them and held it in between both of hers.

"H - he sees other women b - but I d - don't mind," Sanyukta told him, her voice hoarse. "I j - just h - hate that he c - comes home, lies to me, and then wants me to pretend e - everything is okay and have sex with him."

Randhir's heart broke upon hearing about how Rehaan treated Sanyukta. He didn't expect his brother to treat her any better, but somewhere deep down he always believed that Sanyukta deserved this... but nobody deserved it. Now, upon hearing her confession, he knew Sanyukta definitely did not deserve it.

She threw her arms around him and sobbed into his neck. Randhir rubbed her back soothingly, wishing he could do more for her.

"I always pretend like I'm happy s - so he doesn't think that I'm not interested," she confessed. "He's nice to me. I have n - nothing against him... but it hurts that he doesn't sit down and talk to me. He just wants sex."

"Do you want to make this marriage work?" Randhir asked her.

Sanyukta nodded tearfully.

"I really want to make this marriage work," she confessed. "I really want to be able to love him properly... but all I ask for in return is love."

Randhir broke the hug and wiped away her tears.

"Can you trust me?" he asked her softly.

She looked up at him and hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

"Then leave it to me," he told her.

Sanyukta just wrapped her arms around him, feeling very safe in his arms. Randhir held her close to him and closed his eyes.

Even if it killed him to see Sanyukta close to his older brother, he was willing to do whatever it took to bring a smile to her face. After all, he had also been a reason behind her lost smile.


Later that day, Randhir caught Rehaan by the doorway. His older brother was about to head outside.

"Going out?" Randhir asked.

"Yeah, to see another girl," Rehaan replied with a smirk. "You haven't been able to get any for quite some time eh?"

"Your wife is at home thinking about you, and you're going out to fuck another girl?" Randhir snapped.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" Rehaan asked raising his eyebrows. "You know that I've been doing this, and anyways, I've got Sanyukta wrapped around my finger."

"She loves you," Randhir said.

Rehaan looked at Randhir with shock, then he concealed his expression.

"How would you know that?" Rehaan asked.

"She was telling me as I was wrapping a bandage on her foot. She wishes you would spend more time with her... talking to her," Randhir said.

"Oh," Rehaan said, and Randhir thought that he saw a flicker of guilt on his brother's face. "Well... if you talk to her again, tell her I'll be with her tonight."

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