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Harsh Shekhawat was impressed by the girl in front of him. He didn't have any girls on his team or in his party because it wasn't common for girls to get into politics. Sometimes Renuka would help out, but apart from that, it had always been men. This was the first woman that impressed him enough to consider adding her on his team.

"Your name is Pooja right?" Harsh asked.

Sanyukta nodded.

"Welcome to the Padma's then," Harsh told her with a smile. "I'll let you spend time with us and I'll teach you what I can. You can also learn from Rehaan and Randhir."

Sanyukta grinned.

"Thank you so much sir," Sanyukta said gratefully.

"One more thing Pooja," Harsh said sternly to her. "Any reason to doubt you, and without warning you'll be off... and even fired from your tutor position. If you expose any valuable secrets, we may even have to kill you."

Sanyukta nodded.

"Of course sir. I understand!" she told him happily.

"I'll have Renuka send you a new schedule to tutor Parth tomorrow. Meet me here at 9AM. I'll introduce you to Randhir and Rehaan," Harsh told her. "You can observe what they do and they can teach you."

"Yes sir!" she said excitedly.

Then she stood up and bowed her head respectfully before walking out and smiling. She was going to be successor if she continued at this rate. Her father was going to be so proud of her!


The next day, Sanyukta got to the office fifteen minutes early but nobody was there. She waited outside patiently. Last night, she was going to enter the office and snoop around but she didn't want to risk it. As a part of the team, she would be able to get into the office without acting like a spy.

Randhir got there first and upon noticing Sanyukta there again, he looked at her suspiciously.

He was considering asking her what she was doing here when Rehaan walked over to them.

"Hello Pooja," Rehaan said with a smile. "You can just meet me in my bedroom you know."

Sanyukta noticed Randhir's hands ball into fists and she inwardly smirked. So he was affected. Sanyukta placed her hand on Rehaan's bicep.

"Sorry Rehaan, but I didn't come here for you," she replied.

Sanyukta watched Randhir out of the corner of her eye as she felt Rehaan's bicep. He seemed to be angry... why did her closeness to Rehaan affect him?

Sanyukta didn't know why she was taking such risks and doing such dangerous things... but after yesterday, the adrenaline to living on the edge was almost addicting.

She didn't know how she got this much confidence. The only logical explanation was that it was only after she was broken by Randhir, she felt confident.

What more did she have to break when her heart was already broken? She had nothing else to lose.

Harsh then approached the three of them and Sanyukta removed her hand from Rehaan's arm immediately.

"Good morning," Harsh said curtly. "Pooja will be joining us from now on. You two will train her."

Rehaan and Randhir both looked at her with shock.

"What?" Randhir blurted out.

"Seriously?" Rehaan asked, completely shocked.


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