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Renuka looked at Sanyukta with shock as her daughter-in-law confirmed that she was carrying the child of her husband's brother.

"Randhir's?" Renuka asked.

She found a chair and fell on top of it, clutching her chest, as if she had just been stabbed in the heart.

"I'm so sorry. I... I loved Randhir and... and he loved me," Sanyukta cried, her heart aching. "We... we loved each other a lot b - but he was very hurt when my truth c - came out so he didn't try to stop the marriage... and I haven't even s - slept with Rehaan... this baby is R - Randhir's."

Renuka's own eyes filled with tears as she realized the severity of this situation.

"You should have told me," Renuka told her.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I really, really am... but now I am stuck. What should I do?"

"Harsh and Rehaan won't spare you if they know the truth. Harsh will keep you until you give birth then he'll finish you off," Renuka informed.

"But then Randhir's career is over too. I can't do that to him. I don't care about my life... but I can't hurt Randhir," Sanyukta said, her heart aching. "I only made love with Randhir once... just once. I never saw him again."

"Okay," Renuka said, taking a deep breath. "I know this is hard, but we have to be smart, or else there are many lives which will be ruined."

"Smart?" Sanyukta asked.

"Sleep with Rehaan. We won't tell anyone how far along you are. Next month you can reveal you're pregnant, and in the end, we'll cover it up as a premature delivery. Nobody will investigate this. They're too involved in their own politics," Renuka said. "I don't want anything to happen to Randhir either. I am disappointed, but I know how you were forced into this marriage. It isn't completely your fault. Can you do that?"

Her heart hurt, but she nodded.

"Good. After this, move on with Rehaan. I love Rehaan as much as I love Randhir. I don't want him to suffer in his married life. Give him the love of a wife," Renuka ordered. "Can you do that too?"

Sanyukta nodded again.

"For this child and for Randhir, I can do anything," she whispered painfully.


That night, she waited for Rehaan in her room, knowing that she was about to do the most difficult thing. What Renuka told her was the only way out. She knew her mother-in-law was not at fault for suggesting this, but the only way to save everyone would be this.

When Rehaan entered the room, he looked surprised to see Sanyukta sitting on the bed and not already lying down with her eyes closed in an attempt to avoid him again.

"Hey," he said to her.

"Hi," she squeaked, her heart pounding furiously.

"You aren't tired today?" he asked.

She stood up and walked up to him, placing her hands on his arms.

"I'm ready," she forced herself to say. "I'm ready to be yours."

The oldest Shekhawat looked shocked that Sanyukta had confessed such a thing.

"Really?" he asked her, sounding like he didn't believe it.

She nodded.

"It has to happen someday. You're right. It's better to just do it," she told him.

"Okay then," Rehaan said, and placed his hands on her cheeks, cradling her face gently, and leaned towards her to close the gap between their lips.

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