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We come back inside the car and I fall asleep on Tobias' shoulder.

The sound of Tobias, Christina, Zeke and Uriah wake me.

I rub my eyes to wake myself, I see phosphene.
noun • the light and
colors produced by
rubbing your eyes.

"Tris," Tobias looks at me. "you're awake."

"What were you guys talking about?" I reply.

"A plan." Christina says. "Lets catch her up on it."



"We're here." Zeke says.

We exit the van and reach a crowd of people welcoming us to Detroit.

I bump into this girl. Shorter than Tris, long brown hair, blue eyes, fit body and around thirteen.

"Tobias?" The girl asks me. "Is that you?" She grins.

"Meredith?" I say clueless.

"Oh so Evelyn told you about me already."

"So you're my sister?"

"Yes I am." She replies. "Lets tour you around."

"Wait," I stop her from walking away. "this is Tris."

"Hello Tris, I'm Meredith. Sorry for not giving a proper introduction. I'm actually fourteen, I'm 5'3 and I'm Tobias' sister. Now, I'll tour you guys around."

"Okay." Tris glances at me.

"Let's go." I say to break the silence.

Then we move.

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