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Tris isn't waking up, is she in a coma?
I hope not.

The Erudite woman comes out of the door.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask desperately.

Before the Erudite woman can speak, Tris comes out if the room.

"Tris!" I run to her.
"Yeah I'm okay." She hugs me.

"She's okay she just has to rest." The Erudite woman says timidly as if she were ruining our moment.

The Erudite woman smiles then leaves us alone.

"We haven't really had a real date since the last one." I say while wrapping my hands around hers.

"Yeah, now that you think about it."

"That's why I planned this one, just in case you're already okay."

"What do you mean by this one?"

"Follow me." I try to hold back my smile.

I jump on the motorbike I've had for a long time and help Tris on it too.

"Where are we going?"

"To the mountains. Then we're going to have dinner on the tip." I place Tris' hands on my waist so that she won't fall off.

Tris holds me tightly and places her head on my back.

I start moving. As we're reaching the tip of the mountain there's this van we pass by. It swerves toward us and I'm unbalanced. "Tris hold on!" We fall of the side of the mountain. I hold on to Tris so that we don't separate.

"Tobias!" Her grip on me gets tighter.
We roll down and bump into a tree.

Tris groans. I hit my head on the trunk of the tree.

We stand. "You okay?"

"Yeah." She says as she wipes off the dirt.

"Sorry Tris, This isn't how I expected this to turn out."

"It's okay, just as long as I'm with you."

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