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The title is You Promised by Brantley Gilbert

I'm so sorry but I really cried because of this song :( especially the chorus :(



We lunge forward and shoot anyone from the Bureau we see.

I try to ignore the pain in the eyes of the soldiers.

I look over to Tobias.

He's worth fighting for.

I would rather die than let him die.

I'm doing this for him.

"Agh!" A familiar voice screeches.

"Christina!" I shout out. I see her shot on the leg.

"It's okay. Christina I'm here." I hold on to her.

"Tris I'm fine, I'll go back inside it's okay." Christina says while gripping on her thigh. "Go!"

I run back and realize how many people died.

There are a few of the Bureau's soldiers left.

I can do this.

I feel my heartbeat everywhere.

I'm still running. I see Tobias running after me.

I shoot and don't stop.

Tobias and the rest helping me out.

"Tris, stop!" He says sternly.

But I keep running.

My grip on the knife tightens.

I'm going to kill the last one.

But before I can stab him, he shoots me first.

Tobias immediately shoots him.

The pain tingles up around my body as I drop to the ground.

I can barely even register where I was shot.

Tobias runs toward me.

"Tris!" He grips my hand and places his other hand under my head. "Tris hold on." He carries me to the building.

"No, don't." I finally realize where I'm shot.
My chest.

"But Tris-" He says.

"The pain of dying hurts," I gasp for air. "but the thought of leaving you hurts even more." I sob, placing my hand on the side of his face.

"Tris you did it. You saved us! Stay with me!" Tobias's eyes start to water.

"We did it. We all did." I force a smile as I search desperately for air.

"Tris you promised." A tear runs down his face and drops on mine.

"Goodbye Tobias, I'm sorry. I love you."

My eyes close and I take my last breath.

It's over.

You PromisedWhere stories live. Discover now