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It has been two weeks and a half ever since that meeting.

Training is still ongoing.

I see Tobias frustrated with a few people. It's the first time I've seen him have a hard time training others to shoot, I mean, he's a great leader and has great aim.
I decide to help him out.

"Hey," I walk over to him. "need help?"

"Yes actually." He says relieved. "I didn't know training these people would be so complicated."

"Well at least theres just six of them." I try to say in a comforting tone.

A gun shot startles me.

"Great," He sighs. "another bullet I need to get off the ceiling."

"Well, we better get going."


"It's finally over," He shakes his head. "hate to say this but that was the worst hour of my life."

I grin at him. "Oh come on. You're overreacting." A giggle forces it's way out of my mouth.

"Hey, that was way more annoying than you think." He says, redeeming himself.

We laugh together.

"Hey! Tris! Tobias!" A familiar voice calls out. We scan the hallway.

"It's Meredith." Tobias says to me.

We jog to her as she runs to us.

She catches her breath. "The Bureau-" She balances her hands on her knees. "th-they're coming."

"What!" I shout too loudly. "it's way to early."

Tobias sighs. "They're supposed to attack in a week and a half! Not this week!"

"That's what they wanted us to think." Meredith says, her breaths now balanced and even.

"I'm pretty sure that they've been planning this for months already." Charles appears out of nowhere.

"Well obviously." I roll my eyes but it isn't meant for him, it's meant for the Bureau.

"Some can barely even hold a gun!" Tobias says.

"Well we'll have an emergency meeting in the board room in 10 minutes. Call the others."

"Okay." Tobias and I say in unison.

And the running starts.

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