Mumza, Dadza and the journey

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Technoblade was the first to realize. It was something about the way Kristen moved, the way she smelled in the mornings. For a while he was too unfamiliar with the scent to understand its significance. All he knew was that whenever he smelled it, he felt vaguely protective of Kristen. The meaning of it dawned on him one day in late summer as he stood by a window overlooking the garden. He was listening to Phil and Kristen chat while they cleaned up the breakfast dishes.

"I can do it," Phil offered again, "you seemed a little unsteady this morning. Maybe you need some rest."

Techno could hear the smile in Kristen's voice when she replied. "No, I'm fine. Just a bit queasy is all. Probably something I ate last night."

Ooo! Ooo! I got it!

"As long as you're sure." He heard Philza put up a dish.

Kristen hummed a few notes of some song Techno didn't recognize. "Hey, Phil? Do the villagers have chocolate? I want some chocolate."

"I don't know, but I could go see. Probably have to trade for it. Hold on, how are you hungry? We just ate."

One of Techno's ears twitched back to hear what they were saying better. The Voices were stifling their laughter and it was making him nervous.

"Oh, I'm not hungry." Kristen rinsed off another dish. A bowl, by the sound of it. "I just really want chocolate. Ooo! And strawberries! Chocolate and strawberries! That sounds so good right now."

Techno frowned at the garden he was still staring at. His mind, aided by the Voices' impish hints, raced around and around the Lady's strange, apparently important statement.

Come on, Techno, think!
Remember that conversation?
That one with Dream?
The one you always wanted to forget?
Drunk Dream.
He was so out of it.

Technoblade winced. "Why'd you have to remind me?" He muttered. But he did remember. Bits and pieces: a cave, the figure of a man leaning heavily against the wall, the smell of alcohol, a table. He remembered Dream's slurred, bitter voice talking about parents...Techno blinked. Slowly he turned his head to look at Philza and Kristen where they were just finishing their work. Phil's hand was slowly stroking his wife's hair while he closed cabinet doors. Kristen leaned slightly into his touch, humming again as she stacked the bread back into its place.

Parents...could it be? Dream had never elaborated much, but he had gone off topic a few times, and this was one of the things he'd mentioned. One of the things he'd laughed at and mocked. The Voices began a little session of cheering in the back of Techno's mind, completely ignoring the turmoil of emotions going on inside him. He wasn't sure if he was apprehensive, excited, or just filled with dread. A child...

"Um, Kristen?" He said, snapping back to reality.

"Yeah?" She answered, just completing her task.

Just say it. "Are you pregnant?"

Both the angel and the Lady of Death turned to look at him. Phil's expression was surprise at first, but it slowly changed into excitement. Kristen stared, apparently both shocked and interested. "I..." She paused, "Phil, I wouldn't know. I've never been mortal before."

Philza's smile was still getting bigger. "I mean, we have been trying." He whispered.

Techno coughed. "Oh, would you look at the time. Guess I'm headin' out to find some oblivious villager who has cocoa beans and no questions. You guys can figure this out, byyyyeeee." Hurriedly he stepped outside and began walking down the road towards the village. So glad to be out of that conversation. A child...

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