All The Little Straws

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Nightmares night after night, and he didn't even remember all of them. But he woke up one day to a cracked headboard after he'd struggled too hard against the tangled blankets his mind had interpreted as restraints, and another time he found himself halfway out a broken window and he was bleeding from slashes in his arms and chest. The Voice's were especially loud at night now, and they were rapidly returning to what they had been all those years ago, before he'd ever met Philza: demanders of blood. Technoblade cursed himself repeatedly as he picked glass out of his wounds, wincing and hoping against hope he hadn't woken Philza or any of the others.

"I thought I was healin', guys? What-ow-what happened? Why's this happenin'?" He drew in a sharp breath as a particularly jagged shard came out. "Why're you still hungry?"

We tried.
Blood NAM NAM NAM -Thorn
Hey, we're only in your head
It's a long way down...E! -Wasp81
Hungy Voices -whynotapinecone
You should know
Blood God.
It's been years.

"Yes." Techno answered. "Did you expect I'd forget?"

weren't listening to us -Lemon
Oh, you forgot. -Thorn
Typos lol -StarRadahn
Look, it's hungry in here -Rose
Mmmmmlet'sgohavecookies -J_Raptor

Technoblade laid the glass down and put his head in his hands. "You're goin' to get loud again, aren't you?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. When they chorused, their words were too jumbled for him to properly distinguish them. Techno wanted nothing more than for them to just be quiet for the rest of his life.

No, you don't -Magnum
Truly? -Moss
Hey, can you say nerd?
Who do you think we are? -RavishRider28
I don't think you do remember.
Who wants to play a game?
Yeah, right.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! -Board
Lads and Lasses...
It's all in your head.

Techno didn't answer them this time. He pushed off the bed and went downstairs for a broom. Wilbur passed him on the stairs; Techno felt the boy's stare lingering on his back, but he didn't turn around. The broom handle felt foreign to his hands when he picked it up and retraced his steps to his room. Glass grated against itself and clinked endlessly, and Techno swept his floor several times to make sure he hadn't missed anything. He also decided to knock out the rest of the window, as it was just jagged pieces now and he didn't want to slice himself up again.

He'd nearly forgotten about his injuries during this process, and when he looked around again, Technoblade realized his blood was smeared over many of the surfaces in his room. He sighed heavily and left to put away the broom and throw out the glass. Once more he saw Wilbur, this time sitting on the stairs, but still he didn't speak to the boy. Techno wasn't sure what to say, or even what Wilbur was doing there. He just walked past him.

To Techno's dismay, Philza had been woken up by the nightmare, for he was sitting in his armchair in the living room when Techno tried to go outside to throw the glass in the trash pile near the garden. Philza looked sleepy and he was holding a glass of water in both hands with a blanket wrapped around him. "Mate?" He said as Techno was about to open the front door. The hybrid stopped and glanced back at him. Philza put his glass down on the stool beside him. "Was it a nightmare?"

Techno nodded, but said nothing. He wondered suddenly what he looked like, and glanced down at his hands. Dried blood streaked or smudged on his fingers, his arms, trailing from his palms, spotting his shirt....He looked a sight.

You think that's bad?
B r u u u h -Thorn
We used to be so used to blood...
Now it's like a call to an old home. - miradragonz
911, what is your emergency? -Lemon

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