Making Peace

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At first, Techno thought he'd scared the new neighbors away with his previous episode of anger, but it was only a few days later that they heard someone knock at their door as they were washing up from breakfast. The boys looked at each other, puzzled, as Phil went to answer the door. Wilbur hurried after him.

The robot was there, his friendly eyes twinkling as he began to speak in a somewhat monotone voice. "You are cordially invited to my master's house for dinner tonight. I can provide directions, if necessary, and my master assures you all that he bears no ill feelings towards anyone. Hopefully, this invitation will assist to show you that."

Phil glanced back at the others, then at the robot. "I'll discuss it with my boys. Can you wait to carry a message back?"

Up went the mechanical hand with a raised thumb and the robot stepped to the side, settling in place as if actually waiting. Phil closed the door and went back to the others, leaning against the counter. "Well? What do you think?"

Ranboo's tail flicked from side to side, showing he was already interested. "Um...well...I think it could be a good idea. We could mend things from last time."

Techno said nothing, but his jaw clenched as he stared at the wall. Both ears lay flat against his head.

Kai looked uncertain. "We don't know these people." He murmured, gathering his newly preened wings in close around him. "I don't like the creeper man. The little boy seems okay, and so does the horned girl, in her way. But dad," and he shuffled his feet in a way that reminded Philza of a bird on a perch, "we don't know these people."

Good points, Phil decided. He knelt in front of Wilbur, who was licking his fingers, having discovered a particularly tasty tart in the pantry. "And what about you, Wil? What do you want?"

"I liked Tommy." The boy announced. "And the big green man wasn't so bad in the end. I wanna see their house."

"I imagine not all of us have to go." Philza remarked, standing up again after ruffling his son's hair. "If you want to stay here, Techno, you can."

But the hybrid shook his head. "If you guys go, I'm goin' too. No way am I lettin' you around strangers without me there." He met Phil's eyes frankly. "I can keep myself under control, I promise."

The angel reached out a wing, curving it over Techno's back in a comforting gesture. "I believe you, mate. And if you're sure, we can go. I myself want to know more about these people, especially as one of them's a hybrid like you two." He nodded at Techno and Ranboo. "Kai, do you want to stay or come with us?"

"I...I..." The boy's breathing became labored and he wrapped his wings even more tightly around himself. "I don't...know."

Ranboo reached over, giving his little brother a side-hug. "I'll stay with you, if you do come, alright? I'll protect you, and so will Techno and Dad."

It seemed a hard decision, but Kai eventually nodded. The conclusion didn't seem to satisfy Philza, however. He sighed. "Kai, I am not forcing you to go anywhere you don't want to go."

"I'd rather be with you guys than alone." Was his only reply. Phil looked uncertain, but as Wilbur was still intrigued by the idea of playing with a boy his own age and Ranboo wanted to be on good terms with their neighbors, eventually it was decided that they would go. Phil passed this message on to the robot, who angularly nodded his acknowledgement, told them to be at the house no later than five-thirty, and strode away to tell his master the news.

The rest of the day was spent in preparation, some more and some less inclined about it. Ranboo asked Kai to brush out his tail so it would be fluffy again, Wilbur was constantly watched by Technoblade, who refused to do more than put up his hair in a simple, loose ponytail. Phil, also not very strict on matters of social decorum, merely ensured his robe was neat and his wings preened.

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