The End of the Beginning, and Now On

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The Minecrafts did their best to make their new friends welcome the next day. Kai did some nervous baking and made more bread and biscuits than the whole family could eat in one day. Ranboo and Techno cleaned the house, sweeping and scrubbing and straightening things up. Wilbur...Wilbur played pranks for the most part. Phil tried to keep him occupied, but the child escaped him often, slipping away and playing tricks. He was excited to have "Toms in my house" and kept asking his father what time it was.

When the cleaning was finally done, Techno and Kai disappeared upstairs to make "preparations", which neither looked very enthusiastic about. Ranboo took over keeping Wilbur in line and Philza went from room to room, looking for anything that needed improving. He then also vanished into the kitchen, though Ranboo had no clue what he was doing in there.

5:30 came at last, and Philza emerged with a relaxed air and a confident shine in his eyes as a knock sounded on the front door. Footsteps clattered down the stairs as Techno and Kai hurried to reach the living room before Phil opened the door. Ranboo cast a quick look at each of his family, grabbing Wilbur's hand so the boy wouldn't bolt at whoever was behind the door right away.

Philza looked the same as usual in his simple green robe. There was a savory smell about him Ranboo hadn't noticed before, which probably meant he'd done his own cooking while in the kitchen. Both wings were neatly tucked on his back, just brushing the floor.

Kai and Techno, it seemed, had decided that "preparations" had meant looking much more presentable than they usually did. Techno's hair was in a braid again and the clothes he was wearing were most certainly not his. They looked like Philza's, but the kinds of clothes Phil would have worn to some kind of formal occasion: a black vest with red highlights over a white shirt, black silk pants and...white gloves. Ranboo swallowed back a laugh.

Kai's grey-red hair had also been braided, but golden rosebuds were interwoven into the strands, with a single lily above his right ear. He was wearing the same kind of outfit as Techno, but it fit more closely to his frame and his golden cloak was fastened around his shoulders. Ranboo reached over and patted Kai's shoulder; the boy was pale and sweat was already gathering on his forehead.

Phil, taking a quick glance behind him at his boys and giving them all an encouraging smile, opened the door. "Welcome." He said, stepping aside.

Lune entered first. Her hair was once more tied up in a neat bun, but the rest of her outfit was unfamiliar. A dark green blouse with little black buttons was partially covered by a black corset with golden flame-like designs lining the edges and she wore a sweeping black skirt that Ranboo realized had pockets. Her antler-like horns were hung with little golden chains and rings, and golden bracelets adorned her slender wrists. Over her shoulders, a hooded cloak matching her blouse had been skillfully draped, she wore golden hoof-like shoes on her feet and thin black gloves covered her hands, which carried a small box and two bouquets of flowers. Ranboo swallowed, wondering if this was how she dressed for a casual visit, what her formal attire would be like.

Tommy and Sam came in directly after. It looked like some attempt had been made to comb the boy's hair, but it was somewhat rumpled anyway. He had fewer bandaids and his red shirt was clean, but his jeans were threadbare at the knees and it was readily apparent why, as he tripped and fell almost as soon as he came in. He was up again in a moment, crowing delight with the surroundings he found himself in and instantly running to greet Wilbur, who behaved magnanimously towards his favored visitor.

Sam...walked in carefully. The door was only just wide enough for his bulk to fit through, and he stepped gingerly. His crown was polished and sparkled on his head, he wore his accustomed mask and strapped to his back was a gleaming pair of tridents; the tips were sheathed in leather. A formal black jacket with dark green highlights covered his upper body and underneath that a dark brown shirt with gold buttons was just visible.

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